Free Mock Test 2 for WBCS Preliminary 2020 and all other examinations

1 The constitution of India is republican because it
(a) provides for an elected Parliament
(b) provides for adult franchise
(c) contains a bill of rights
(d) has no hereditary elements

2 In India, the concept of single citizenship is adopted from
(a) England
(b) U.S.A.
(c) Canada
(d) France

3 The Indian Constitution originally comprises of
(a) 395 Articles, 22 Parts and 12 Schedules
(b) 371 Articles, 21 Parts and 11 Schedules
(c) 372 Articles, 20 Parts and 7 Schedules
(d) 381 Articles, 23 Parts and 8 Schedules

4 Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion etc. (Article 15 of the Constitution
of India) is a Fundamental Right classifiable under
(a) the Right to Freedom of Religion
(b) the Right against Exploitation
(c) the Cultural and Educational Rights
(d) the Right to Equality

5 Part V of the Constitution deals with:
I. Union Executive
II. Parliament
III. Supreme Court and High Courts
IV. Comptroller and Auditor-General
(a) I and II
(b) I, II and III
(c) I only
(d) I, II and IV

6. Who administers the oath of office to the President?
(a) Chief Justice of India
(b) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(c) Prime Minister
(d) Vice-President

7. Who, according to the Anti-Defection Act, is the final authority to decide whether a
member of Lok Sabha has incurred disqualification due to defection?
(a) Speaker
(b) President
(c) Election Commission
(d) High Court

8 Who is the ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha?
(a) President
(b) Vice-President
(c) Minister of Parliamentary Affairs
(d) Leader of Opposition

9. The concept of Public Interest Litigation originated in
(a) the United Kingdom
(b) Australia
(c) the United States
(d) Canada

10. Which of the following writs is issued by the court in case of illegal detention of a
(a) Habeas Corpus
(b) Mandamus
(c) Certiorari
(d) Quo Warranto

11. Which subject was transferred from State List to Concurrent List by the 42nd amendment of the Constitution?
(a) Agriculture
(b) Education
(c) Irrigation
(d) Local Self Government

12 The Congress lost its monopoly of power in the States for the first time after the
elections of:
(a) 1967
(b) 1971
(c) 1977
(d) 1955

13. Which is at the apex of the three tier system of Panchayati Raj?
(a) Gram Sabha
(b) Gram Panchayat
(c) Zila Parishad
(d) Panchayat Samiti

14. India’s economic zone extends ____ nautical miles off the cosast
A 100
B 150
C 200
D 250

15. What is the animal on the insignia of RBI?
A Lion
B Tiger
C Panther
D Elephant

16. What is guilt edge securities?
A securities issued by multinational companies
B securities issued by govt of india
C securities issued by private sector
D securities issued by joint venture companies

17. Bank rate is a rate at which
A a bank lends to public
B RBI lends to public
C GoI lends to other countries
D RBI lends to other banks

18. How many languages are used in a Ten rupees note?
A 2
B 7
C 10
D 15

19. Issue department of RBI maintains a ______ against printing of notes
A Minimum reserve
B proportional reserve
C proportional gold reserve system
D proportional foreign reserve system

20. Head quarter of world trade organisation is in
A Montreal
B seattle
C Geneva
D hague

21. World development report is published by
B International Bank for reconstruction and development
C world trade organisation
D international monetary fund

22. Which of the following is included in eight core industry?
A Garments
B Leather
C Electricity
D Handicrafts

23. From which source Indian railway earns maximum revenue?
A passenger service
B goods service
C without ticket persons
D none

24. In india maximum number of workers are engaged in which sector
A iron and steel
B petrochemical
C automobile
D textile

25. First industrial policy was taken in which year
A 1948
B 1956
C 1965
D 1991

26. Narmada originates from its source situated in the State of
(a) Maharashtra
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Madhya Pradesh
(d) Andhra Pradesh

27. The territorial waters of India extends up to
(a) 5 nautical miles
(b) 12 nautical miles
(c) 15 nautical miles
(d) 2 nautical miles

28. The Indian States which have common borders with Pakistan are
(a) Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Jammu & Kashmir
(b) Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab and Rajasthan,
(c) Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana, Rajasthan and Punjab
(d) Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Rajasthan

29. Monsoon arrives in west Bengal within
A 1 st week of june
B 2nd week of june
C 3rd week of june
D 4th week of may

30. the storm kalboishaki is seen in april may in
A bihar
B Odisha
C west Bengal
D Jharkhand

31. Farakka Barrage was made for
A stop water to Bangladesh
B increase water supply to Hooghly river
C to generate hydro electric
D none

32. 'Natural Vegetation' refers to:
(a) a plant community that has been left undisturbed over a long time
(b) plant species which live and grow together
(c) a protected area created by using contour bunding
(d) all of the above

33. Chhota Nagpur plateau is called the heart of industrial India because it is :
(a) near to major iron and steel centres
(b) a big link of roads and railway
(c) rich in minerals and power fuels
(d) very fertile for industrial crops

34. statue of unity is located in which river
A tapti
B ganga
C narmada
D satluj

35. Which one of the following states is a Ieading producer of woollen textiles?
(a) Jammu and Kashmir
(b) Punjab
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Himachal Pradesh

36. The McMahan Line is a boundary between
(a) India and China
(b) India and Pakistan
(c) India and Bangladesh
(d) India and Nepal

37. The state which tops in the production of rubber is
(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Karnataka
(c) Kerala
(d) Odisha

38. Which one of the following soil types of India is rendered infertile by the presence of excess iron?
(a) Desert sand
(b) Alluvial
(c) Podzolic
(d) Lateritic

39. Naharkatiya oilfields are located in
(a) Tripura
(b) West Bengal
(c) Assam
(d) Madhya Pradesh

40. Which country assisted India in the launching of her first satellite 'Aryabhatta'?
(a) USA
(b) United Kingdom
(c) Former USSR
(d) Germany

41. One-tenth of the total salt produced in India comes from
(a) Tamil Nadu Coast
(b) Sambhar Lake
(c) Chilka Lake
(d) Wular Lake

42. 'Sagar Samrat' is
(a) an oil drilling platform in Mumbai High
(b) an island in Indian Ocean
(c) a ship used for Antarctica expedition
(d) a space craft

43. The system or shifting cultivation in the north eastern region of India is called
(a) Jhuming
(b) Bewar
(c) Taungya
(d) Ladang

44. The Portuguese possessions Goa, Daman and Diu were liberated in _______.
(a) 1961
(b) 1971
(c) 1981
(d) 1951

45. Loktak is a
(a) Valley
(b) Lake
(c) River
(d) Mountain Range

46. The great one horned Indian Rhino is round in
(a) Corbett National Park
(b) Kanha National Park
(c) Kaziranga Sanctuary
(d) Periyar Sanctuary

47. The 'Ruhr or India' is
(a) Mumbai-Pune region
(b) Damodar Valley region
(c) Chennai-Bengaluru region
(d) Delhi-Kanpur region

48. ______ is a planned city in India.
(a) Varanasi
(b) Srinagar
(c) Pune
(d) Chandigarh

49. Air travel has become very important for the north eastern part of India mainly because,
(a) the region is mountainous
(b) population density is low
(c) surface transport routes have to go around Bangladesh
(d) air transport is cheaper

50. The width or the broad gauge track in Indian railway is
(a) 1.676 m
(b) 1.114 m
(c) 1.98 m
(d) 2.55 m

51. Todarmal is associated with the revenue system known as
(a) Kankut
(b) Ghalla Bakshi
(c) Zabti or Zabt
(d) Nasaq

52. Muhammad Ghori laid the foundation of the Turkish Empire in India by defeating
(a) Prithviraj Chauhan in Second Battle of Tarain
(b) Jayachanda in the Battle of Chandawar
(c) The Chandelas
(d) Both (a) and (b) above

53. The Buddhist universities of Nalanda and Vikramshila in Bihar were destroyed during
the invasions of
(a) Mahmud of Ghazni
(b) Muhammad Ghori
(c) Bakhtiyar Khalji
(d) All Mardan Khalji

54. The real founder of the Sultanate of Delhi and its first dynasty was
(a) Muhammad Ghuri
(b) Qutub-ud-din-Aibak
(c) Iltutmish
(d) Balban

55. The first medieval ruler to propound the divine theory of Kingship was
(a) Iltutmish
(b) Raziya
(c) Balban
(d) Alauddin Khalji

56. The firat Sultan of Delhi to cross the Narmada and move to the south was
(a) Iltutmish
(b) Balban
(c) Alauddin Khalji
(d) Muhammad-bin-Tughluq

57. Alauddin Khalji rigidly enforced 'market control' or economic regulations for
(a) building up a large and contented army with small salaries
(b) the general welfare of the people
(c) both (a) and (b) above
(d) curbing dishonest merchants and traders

58. The famous Moorish (from Morocco) traveller Ibn Batuta, who visited India recorded
his experiences in a book entitled Safarnama or Rehla, was appointed Qazi of Delhi by
(a) Mubarak Shah Khalji
(b) Ghiyasuddin Tughluq
(c) Mohammad-bin-Tughluq
(d) Firuz Tughluq

59. During the last 25 years of his reign, Aurangzeb was mainly involved in long-drawn
wars against
(a) Bijapur
(b) Golcunda
(c) Marathas
(d) All the above

60. Shivaji founded the Maratha kingdom by annexing the territories of
(a) Bijapur
(b) Mughals
(c) Both (a) and (b) above
(d) Bijapur, Golcunda and the Mughals

61. The Maratha dominion of Shivaji was known as
(a) Swaraj
(b) Mulk-i-qadim
(c) Maharajya
(d) Maratha Rastra

62. The Administrative Council of Shivaji was known as
(a) Parishad
(b) Mantriparishad
(c) Ashtapradhan
(d) Rajyaparishad

63 The independent kingdom of Awadh 'was founded by
(a) Saadat Khan
(b) Safdar Jang
(c) Shuja-ud-Daulah
(d) Asaf-ud-Daulah

64. The founder of the independent state of Bengal was
(a) Murshid Quli Khan
(b) Alivardi Khan
(c) Shuja-ud-Din
(d) Sarfaraz Khan

65. Before the rise of Ranjit Singh to power, the Punjab was under the control of various
(a) Chiefs of Abmad Shah Abdali
(b) Sikh Misls (military brotherhoods)
(c) Maratha commanders
(d) Sikh Sardars

66. The Maratha Kingdom under the Peshwas was
(a) a loose federation
(b) a military State
(c) a confederacy (Mandala or Sangha)
(d) a regency of the Peshwa

67. Who completed the Qutub Minar?
(a) Rajiya
(b) Qutub-ud-din-Aibak
(c) Iltutmish
(d) Babar

68. Defeated Humayun in the Battle of Kannauj (1540) also constructed the Purana Qila
of New Delhi
(a) Adil Shah
(b) Malik Kafur
(c) Bin-Kasim
(d) Sher Shah Suri

69. The First Battle of Panipat (1526) was fought between
(a) Babar and Daulat Khan
(b) Babar and Ibrahim Lodi
(c) Babar and Alam Khan
(d) Babar and Rana Sanga
70. Babar came to India originally from
(a) Khiva
(b) Ferghana
(c) Khorasan
(d) Seistan

71. At the time, when Nadir Shah attacked Delhi, the Mughal Emperor was
(a) Ahmad Shah
(b) Muhammad Shah
(c) Bahadur Shah
(d) Shah Alam

72. Of all the states in northern India in 6th century BC which of the following states
emerged as the most powerful?
(a) Anga
(b) Magadha
(c) Kashi
(d) Kosala

73. Megasthanes, the ambassador of Selucus at the Mauryan court in Pataliputra, wrote
an account of the period in his book
(a) Travels of Megasthanes
(b) Indica
(c) Indicoplecusts
(d) Both (b) and (c)

74. After the Kalinga War, Ashoka decided never to wage any war because?
(a) After the conquest of Kalinga the political unity of Mauryan India had been achieved
(b) Ashoka felt apologetic about the destruction of men and material on both sides in the war
(c) He was moved by the violence, slaughter and sufferings to the combatants and noncombatants
in the war
(d) Shortly after the war he adopted Buddhism which was opposed to violence

75. In his inscriptions Ashoka called himself
(a) Devanampriya Priyadarshi King
(b) Ashoka Priyadarshi
(c) Dhammasoka (Dharmasoka)
(d) Daivaputra

76. As a result of the partition of Bengal announced by Lord Curzon in 1905, Bengal was partitioned into two provinces of
(a) East Bengal and West Bengal
(b) Bengal and Eastern Bengal & Assam
(c) Bengal and Assam
(d) Bengal and Odisha and East Bengal and Assam

77. The All India Muslim League was founded in December
1906 at
(a) Karachi
(b) Dacca
(c) Calcutta
(d) Aligarh

78. The Ghadar Party took the name Ghadar from
(a) the Revolt of 1857
(b) its objective to wage another revolt
(c) a weekly paper Ghadar published in commemoration of the
Revolt of 1857
(d) All the above

79. The Alipore conspiracy case was launched against the
revolutionary activities of
(a) Anusilan Samiti
(b) Abhinava Bharat
(c) Abhinava Bharat Society
(d) Ghadar Party of India

80. The Lucknow Session of INC and the Lucknow Pact (1916) were significant on account of
(a) unity between the Moderates and the Extremists with the return of the Extremists to the Congress
(b) the pact between the Congress and Muslim League
(c) Both (a) and (b) above
(d) the beginning of the tide of Indian Nationalism

81. The idea of starting a Home Rule League in 1915 was first propounded by
(a) B G Tilak
(b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(c) Annie Besant
(d) Both (a) and (b) above

82. Bal Gangadhar Tilak earned the epithet of Lokamanya during
(a) his trial in 1907-08
(b) the Lucknow pact of 1916
(c) the Home Rule Movement
(d) the Congress Session in 1917

83. Mrs Annie Besant became the first woman President of the
INC in
(a) 1916
(b) 1917
(c) 1918
(d) 1920

84. Rabindranath Tagore surrendered his knighthood in protest against
(a) Martial law in the Punjab
(b) Jallianwala Bagh tragedy
(c) Rawlatt Acts
(d) All the above

85. The Non-Cooperation Movement was suspended in February 1922 on account of
(a) the Chauri Chaura incident
(b) Hindu Muslim riots
(c) arrest of Gandhiji and his imprisonment for six years
(d) all the above

86. The Congressmen who wanted to contest the elections under
the Act of 1919 and enter the legislature, formed a party
(1923) called
(a) Swaraj Party
(b) Congress Swarajya Party
(c) Nationalist Party
(d) Liberal Party

87. The revolutionary who was an accused in Lahore Conspiracy Case and who died in Jail after 64 days fast was
(a) Jatin Das
(b) Sukh Dev
(c) Raj Guru
(d) Both (a) and (b) above

88. At midnight on December 31, 1929 who unfuried the tricolor flag on Indian Independence on the banks of the Ravi at Lahore?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Subhas Bose
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Motilal Nehru

89. The Gandhi-lrwin Pact (1931) was vehemently criticised and opposed by the people on the ground that
(a) the Civil Disobedience Movement was suspended
(b) the sufferings of thousands of people in the Civil
Disobedience Movement were wasted
(c) It was contrary to the pledge of the Congress for Poorna Swaraj
(d) Gandhi did nothing to save the lives of Bhagat Singh, Sukh Dev and Raj Guru who had been awarded the death sentence

90. On September 20, 1932 Mahatma Gandhi began a fast unto death in Yeravada Jail against
(a) British repression of the satyagrahis
(b) Violation of the Gandhi-Irwin pact
(c) Communal Award of Ramsay McDonald
(d) All the above

91. On account of severe British repression the Civil Disobedience movement was again suspended In July 1933 and people were asked to offer Satyagraha
(a) individually
(b) in groups
(c) locally
(d) against liquor shops

92. The day (December 22, 1939) the Congress Ministries resigned in the Provinces the, Muslim League observed
(a) Deliverance Day
(b) Direct Action Day
(c) Victory Day
(d) Alliance Day

93. The members of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan's Red Shirt Movement were known as:
(a) Khidmatgars (Servants)
(b) Insan-i-Khidmatgar (Servants of the people)
(c) Khuda-i-Khidamatgar (Servants of God)
(d) Angels of Freedom

94. The Muslim League demanded creation of Pakistan (Pakistan Resolution) in its session held on March 24, 1940 at
(a) Karachi
(b) Lahore
(c) Islamabad
(d) Aligarh

95. The INA was largely composed of
(a) Indian Revolutionaries
(b) Overseas Indians
(c) Indian Prisoners of war under the Japanese
(d) Deserters from the British Indian Army

96. Subhash Bose established the Provisional Government of Free India at
(a) Berlin
(b) Bangkok
(c) Singapore
(d) Tokyo

97. In 1921, Mahatma Gandhi resolved to wear only a loin cloth to propagate home spun cotton to signify
(a) the poverty of the Indian people
(b) the ruin of India's handloom textiles
(c) his identification with the Indian people
(d) his resolve to wear tailored clothes only when India became independent

98. The famous 'Ratings Mutiny' in Bombay in
February 1946 was calmed down largely by the efforts of
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) C Rajagopalachari
(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(d) Vallabhbhai Patel

99. India was partitioned as a consequence of the formula contained in
(a) Cabinet Mission Plan
(b) Attlee's Declaration
(c) June 3 Plan or Mountbatten Plan
(d) Both (b) and (c) above

100. Mahatma Gandhi compared Pherozeshah Mehta with the Himalayas, Tilak with the Ocean and Gokhale with
(a) the Sky
(b) the Ganges
(c) the Gangotri
(d) the Mansarovar Lake

101. What is the greatest number that will divide 38,45,52 and leave remainders 2,3,4 respectively?
A 2
B 4
C 6
D 8

102. Sum of three numbers is 98. If the ratio is between first and second number is 2:3 and second and third is 5:8, find the second number.
A 10
B 15
C 24
D 30

103.A and B enter into a partnership with their capitals in the ratio 7:9. At the end of 8 months, A withdraws his capital. If they have received the profits in the ratio of 8:9, find how long B’s capital was used?
A 7
B 8
C 9
D 10

104 If two litres of water are evaporated on boiling from 8 litres of sugar solution containing 5% sugar, find the % of sugar in the remaining solution.
A 52/3
B 62/3
C 7
D 8

105. The average weight of 4 men is increased by 3kg when one of them who weighs 120 kg is replaced by another man. What is weight of new man?
A 110
B 112
C 122
D 132

106. The ratio of father’s age to the son’s age is 4:1, the product of their age is 196. What will be ratio of their ages after 5 years?
A 11:4
B 13:54
C 54:13
D 11:2

107. A sells a buy cycle to B at a profit of 30%, and B sells it to C at a loss of 20%, If C pays 520 for it, at what price did A buy?
A 400
B 500
C 350
D 575

108. A sum of money doubles itself in 10 years at simple interest. What is the rate of interest?
A 8
B 10
C 12
D 14

109 A goldsmith has two qualities of gold—one of 12 carats and other of 16 carat of purity. In what proportion should he mix both to make an ornament of 15 carat purity?
A 1:2
B 1:3
C 1:4
D 1:5

110. 40 men can cut 60 trees in 8 hours. If 8 men leave the job, how many trees will be cut in 12 hours?
A 64
B 72
C 80
D 90

111. Pipe A can fill the tank in 20 hours while pipe alone can fill it in 30 hours, pipe C can empty the full tank in 40 hours. If all the pipes are opened together, how much time will be needed to make the tank full?
A 16 hours
B 17 hours
C 171/7hours
D 181/7 hours

112. A man walking at speed 5 kmph reaches its target 5 minutes late. If he walks 6kmph he reaches target on time. Find the distance
A 2.5
B 3
C 3.5
D 4

113. Two trains 121 metre and 99 metre long running at a rate of 40kmph and 32 kmph respectively in opposite direction. In what time they will cross each other
A 11 sec
B 12 sec
C 12 sec
D 14 sec.

114. A man can row 7km per hour in still water. In a stream which is flowing 3km per hour, it takes him 7 hours to row to a place and back. How far is the place?
A 20
B 22
C 24
D 25

115. 2,5,9,19,37 ?
A 73
B 75
C 76
D 78

116. Train: Passenger :: Aeroplane : ?
A aeronaut
B astronaut
C pilot
D air hostess

117. Which one is odd
A Ginger
B Onion
C coriander
D potato

118 In a certain code BROUGHT is written as SGFVAQN. How SUPREME written in that code?

119. Pointing to a lady Rajan said, “She is the daughter of the woman who is the mother of husband of my mother” who is lady to Rajan?
A aunt
B grand daughter
C daughter
D sister

120. A man is facing north west. He turns 90degree clockwise direction and then 135 degree in anti-clockwise direction. Which direction he is facing
A East
B West
C North
D South

Indicate which figure will best represents the relationship amongst the three classes 

121. Elephants wolves animals
122 Metal iron chlorine
123 mammals cows crows
124 women mothers widows
125 authors teachers men

126. façade
A basement
B floor
C top
D front
127 redundant
A bombastic
B unimportant
C flowery
D not needed

128. Benevolence
A contempt
B malevolence
C hatred
D derision

129 knack
A dullness
B balance
C talent
D dexterity

One word
130 a small piece of wood
A splinter
B crumb
C scrap
D chip

131. mania for setting fires
A pyromania
B kleptomania
C logomania
D nymphomania

132. a man who starves body for the good of soul
A monk
B ascetic
C saint
D spiritualist

133. stealing from the writing of others
A copying
B reframing
C reproducing
D plagiarism

Appropriate preposition

134. amaze
A at
B in
C for
D to

135. commence
A At
B on
C in
D from

136. regret
A on
B of
C for
D to

Group verb
137. give off
A emit
B distribute
C control
D abandon

138. fall off
A deteriorate
B begin
C bribe
D acquire

Fill in the blanks
139. The firm ______ its workers well
A treated
B regarded
C decoy
D quarry

140. Barring last minute surprise he is ___ to become the president of the committee
A designated
B poised
C elected
D endorsed

141. He sold his property because he was under a lot of _____
A account
B debt
C loan
D credit

142. My boss _____ my request to increase my allowance
A refused
B denied
C resisted
D withheld

143. the accused ______ having made any statement
A declined
B refused
C denied
D rejected

144. The problems suggested by style as a sign and index of personality may be______ from many points of view.
A approached
B encounter
C confronted
D upheld

145. The committee’s _______ to establish a ‘home for destitute’ has been rejected.
A arguments
B decision
C view
D proposal

146. Some people in Punjab _______ from voting at the last elections
A refused
B refrained
C denied
D abstained

147. He is a person of sound character and _____ disposition
A amicable
B amiable
C morous
D beneficent

148. Walking at 3 o’clock, I heard the ______ of thunder
A clank
B crackle
C rumble
D ripple

149. Jail officials _______ that the plot for the escape may have been hatched by local criminals
A doubt
B suspect
C hold
D believe

150. The lost child was ____ to his parents
A restored
B sent
C dispatched
D returned

151. When a cycle is driven on an oily road, it slips because on such road
A friction between tyres and road decreases
B friction between tyres and road increased
C inertia of tyres increases
D none of the above

152. Vehicle tires are inflated properly to
A ensure smooth running
B allow the vehicle to take the more load
C avoid skidding to minimise friction
D Go fast and save fuel

153. The apparent weight of a man in lift is less than the real weight when the lift is going down with
A uniform speed
B an acceleration
C some linear momentum
D a retardation

154. The energy stored in a wound watch spring is
A kinetic energy
B potential energy
C heat energy
D chemical energy

155. Chemical bond formation takes place when
A forces of attraction and forces of repulsion are equal
B forces of attraction are greater than forces of repulsion.
C forces of repulsion are greater than forces of attraction
D energy is absorbed

156. In an atom, nucleus and electrons are held together by
A magnetic forces of attraction
B electronic forces
C electrostatic forces of attraction
D none

157. An electrovalent compound is made up of
A Electrically charged particles
B electrically charged atoms or group of atoms
C Neutral atoms
D Neutral molecules

158. The covalent bond
A Transference of electron takes place
B Electrons shared are provided by only one atom
C sharing of electrons takes place
D none

159. How many valence electrons does carbon have
A 2
B 3
C 4
D 5

160. Ionic solids are characterised by
A good conductivity in solid state
B High vapour pressure
C Low melting point
D Solubility in polar solvents

161. Tyndall effect is shown by
A colloidal solution
B osmotic solution
C isotonic solution
D hypertonic solution

162. Entropy is a measure of
A internal energy
B total energy
C disorder
D enthalpy

163. Bone ash contains
A calcium sulphate
B Phosphoric acid
C calcium phosphate
D calcium hypophosphate

164. The raw material is used in the manufacturing of cement is
A gypsum and clay
B limestone and gypsum
C silica and clay
D limestone and clay

165. Halogen, which is radioactive in nature is
B Cl
C As
D Br

166. The digestion of food material inside the cell is performed by
A golgi bodies
B lysosome
C Mitochondria
D Chloroplasts

167. Which type of cell division occurs in cancer cell?
A mitosis
B meiosis
C both a and b
D none

168. Lichen is a permanent association of
A fungus and bacterium
B algae and virus
C virus and bacterium
D Fungus and algae

169. Plants adapted to grow in dry habitats are
A mesophytes
B hydrophytes
C xerophytes
D Halophytes

170. Ginger is an example of
A Tuber
B Rhizome
C Corm
D Bulb

171 Aquatic mammals have
A No hairs and external ears
B Light and spongy bones
C Fin like expansion of the body
D all the above

172. Enzyme present in saliva is
A pepsin
B lipase
C ptyalin
D rennin

173. The chief nitrogenous waste product in the human urine is
A urea
B uric acid
C creatine
d creatinine

174. Which of the following secrets bile juice?
A pancreas
B liver
C gall bladder
D none

175. The heart beats originates in
A S A Node
B Mitral valve
C A V Node
D none

176. Which of the following does not form part of core industry of India?
A cement
B electricity
C fertilisers

177. Government of India recently declined to sign which of the following treaty?

178. Tree Frog “The Brown Bloched” recently found in which state?
A bihar
B west Bengal
C Jharkhand
D Meghalaya

179. The main cause, of as determined by environmentalists, for severe pollution in national capital region is
A fire cracker burnt during dipawali
B chemical discharges by nearby factories
C stubble burning
D all of the above

180. Pegasus which was used to steal whatsapp details without knowledge of users is a kind of
A malware
B virus
C spyware
D adware

181. SAFAR an app user for detection of pollution level in
A Air
B water
C soil
D all of the above

182. Recently 500 passenger locomotives were fitted with GPS devices, made by

183. Recently Government of West Bengal has banned
A alcoholic drinks
B tobacco products
C only gutka
D none

184. ‘NavIC’ , means Navigation in Indian Constellation, is set of how many satellites?
A 4
B 8
C 12
D 16

185. Recently Indian Army decided to have a regiment of ‘Dhanush’, which is
A a rifle
B a cruise missile
C super sonic missle
D an artillery gun

186. 45th G7 summit has taken place in

187. ‘DUSTLIK 2019’ is war game fought between India and
A France
B Mongolia
C kazakasthan
D Uzbekisthan

188. “Obama: The call of history” book was written by
A peter beker
B john asin
C Arnold tim
D none

189. India’s rank in world travel and tourism index is
A 34
B 98
C 112
D 156

190. World literacy day is observed in
A 5th September
B 8 September
C 28th july
D 14th may

191. Which state government decided to setup TIME BANK to lend money on hourly basis?
A uttar Pradesh
B Madhya Pradesh
C tamilnadu
D kerala

192. South Asia’s highest tower namely ‘LOTUS’ is located in
A Singapore
B Malaysia
C Thailand
D Srilanka

193. Government of Indonesia has selected a new city for its capital, which is
A Jakarta
B isle of ramba
C Brunei island
D none

194. The movie JOKER has been awarded
A Oscar
B Golden Lion for best film
C Bafta award for
D all of the above

195. Recently RBI has increased time period for ‘RTGS’—it is
A an app for grievance redressed
B a new online banking facility
C a loan initiative for under privileged.
D a process to send and receive money online through banking system

196. Which bank recently launched OTP for withdrawal of money more than 10000.

197. Rohit4Rhinos campaign was launched by
A discovery tv and government of India.
B animal plannet and government of assam
C WWF and animal planet
D government of assam with rohit sharma.

198. Which bank has launched ‘Digismart’ credit card?
D IndusInd bank

199. anti-microbial resistance hub was inaugurated in which city of India?
A Kolkata
B Mumbai
C nasik
D bengaluru

200. National sports day is celebrated on
A 27th august
B 28th august
C 29th august
D 30th august. 

Prepared and distributed free by Nando Sir for Study with us 


I am a civil services teacher. I teach online / offline for UPSC CSE / WBCS


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