Mock Test 1 Answer for WBCS CGL CHSL all other exams

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এই উত্তরপত্রে কিছু উত্তর ভুল হতে পারে| কখনো মার্ক করতে গিয়েও ভুল হয়| তাই আপনি সঠিক উত্তরটাই বেছে নিন|
Science Questions

1 The science which deals with the study of cell is known as
A morphology
B cytology
C physiology
D embryology

2. the structural and functional unit of life is
A tissue
B organ
C cell
D none

3. the cell was first discovered by
A Robert brown
B Robert hooke
C T. Schwann
D M J Schleiden

4. the smallest cell is that of
A Pleuropneumonia sp.
B Ameoba sp.
C Paramoecium sp
D Hydra sp.

5.”Fluid mosaic model” of plasma membrane is proposed by
A Davson and Danielli
B Singer and Nicholson
C Schleiden and Schwann
D Robertson

6. “Selectively permeable” cell structure is
A chromosome
B cell membrane
C cell wall
D ribosome

7. Read the following statements about the functions of protoplasm and select the correct answer using the codes given below
1 it responds to light, heat and moisture
2 it initiates and carries out all the
processes concerned in the reproduction
3. It grows in size and forms a shape.
4 It has power of locomotion
A 1 and 2 true
B 1,3,4 true
C 2,3,4 true
D 1,2,3,4 true

8. Match List I with list II and select the correct answer using codes given below the list

 List I                        List II
A Hugo Von Mohl  1 Discovered Nucleus
B Robert Brown     2 postulated cell theory
C Schleiden and    3 proposed organismal
Schwann theory
D De Bary and Sachs 4 proposed the term protoplasm

(a) 4 1 2 3
(b) 1 4 3 2
(c) 2 3 1 4
(d) 3 2 4 1

9. Which of the following is called “power house of cell?”
A nucleus
B lysosome
C chromosome
D mitochondria

10. Which organelle has electron system in a cell?
A Nucleus
B lysosome
C mitochondrion
D golgi body

11. The official name of the present version of the metric system is
A International system of Units
B standard system of units
C fundamental system of units
D essential system of units

12. the distance that light covers in travelling through vacuum for a period of one year, is known as
A imperial light
B wavelength
C displacement of light
D light year

13. the function of manufacturing, maintaining, monitoring and improving the standards of measurements is discharged by the
A national physical laboratory, New Delhi
B national science institute, Mumbai
C research and development centre Kolkata
D none

14. who among the following suggested the MKS (meter kilogram second) system in 1901?
A Lavoisier B Lagrange
C Giorgi D Newton

15. The quantity expressed in fundamental unit is
A volume
B time
C velocity
D acceleration

16. which of the following is a derived unit?
A mass
B time
C length
D velocity

17 In international system of units (S I Units), the unit of mass is
A pound
B gram
C kilogram
D quintal

18. In SI System, unit of temperature is
A kelvin
B degree Celsius
C degree centigrade
D degree Fahrenheit

19. The unit of work in MKS system is
A Erg
B Dyne
C Joule
D Watt

20. What is SI unit of conductance?
A Newton
B Tesla
C Siemens
D Joule

21. Which among the following particles move around the nucleus of an atom and are negatively charged?
A Protons
B Neutrons
C Electrons
D none

22. the atomic number of an element is equal to the number of
A neutrons presents in the nucleus
B electrons revolving around the nucleus in different orbits
C isotopes
D none

23. Which of the following elements has 92 as the atomic number?
A lead
B platinum
C thorium
D uranium

24. Which of the following rays is not deflected in an electric field?
A alpha rays
B beta rays
C gamma rays
D all of the above

25. The uncertainty principle was enunciated by
A Einstein
B Rutherford
C Pauli
D Heisenberg

History Questions

26. Chalcolithic culture refers to the culture based on the use of
A stone and copper implements
B stone implements
C bronze implements
D iron implements

27. the first metal to be discovered and used for making tools was
A Iron B copper
C bronze D tin

28. Which of the following features show that the Indus valley people had a certain pattern of technical uniformity
1 use of standardised brick sizes
2 use of irrigation canals
3 use of standard range of copper and
Bronze tools
A 1,2,3
B 1,2
C 2,3
D 1,3

29. The Harappan civilisation has been regarded as urban civilisation on the basis of the
A sophisticated language in use at that time
B advanced techniques used by them in agriculture
C drainage system prevalent at that time
D socio economic conditions of the Harappans

30. Carbon dating method places the date of indus valley civilisation at
A 3500 to 3500 BCE
B 3000 TO 2500 BCE
C 2500 TO 1500 BCE
D 2250 to 1750 BCE

31. The harappans were the earliest people to produce
A seals
B bronze implements
C cotton
D barley

32. Match list I(ancient sites) with List II (archaeological findings) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
List I                 List II
A Lothal 1 Ploughed field
B Kalibangan 2 Dockyard
C Dholavira 3. Terracotta replica of a
D Banawali 4 an inscription comprising
ten large sized signs of the
Harappan scripts

(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 2 1 4 3
(C) 1 2 4 3
(D) 2 1 3 4

33. The Indus valley people worshipped
1 trees and animals
2 pashupati
3 mother goddess
4 Trimurti
A 1,2
B 2,3
C 1,3,4
D 1,2,3

34. Indus valley civilisation extended upto _____ in the north, ______ in the south, ________ in the west, and ______ in the east
A alamgirpur makran, daimabad, manda
B manda, daimabad, makran, alamgirpur
C daimabad, makaran, manda, alamgirpur
D alamgirpur, daimabad, makran, manda

35. The vedic god to whom largest number of hymes are addressed in the Rig veda is
A varuna B rudra
C indra D agni

36. Which of the following incarnations of Vishnu is represented in art as raising the Earth from the ocean?
A matsya
B kurma
C narsimha
D varaha

37.Mahayana form of Buddhism emerged during the reign of
A harsha
B kanishka
C ashoka
D samudragupta

38. Kautilya was the prime minister of
A Chandragupta vikramaditya
B ashoka
C Chandragupta mourya
D raja janak

39. What was the official language of kingdom of asoka?
A Sanskrit B pali
C kharosthi D prakrit

40. The last mouryan ruler overthrown by
A agnimitra
B pusyamitra
C mahapadma nanda
D kharbel

41. The Mahabalipuram sea-shore temple in Tamil Nadu was built during the reign of which of the following dynasties
A chola
B chalukya
C pallava
D pandya

42. The first empire in the deccan was created by
A Satavahanas
B vakataks
C chedis
D pallavas

43. which of the following works of kalidasa has a sunga king as its hero?
A Malavikagnimitram
B Shakuntalam
C Raghuvamsam
D Vikramorvasiyam

44. Kaniskha issued gold coins depicting the deities
A of greek religion
B of Sumerian religion
C of Hindu religion
D all of the above

45. Which period in Indian history is regarded as Golden age?
A Mouryan age
B Kushan age
C Indo greek period
D Gupta Period

46. Ajanta cave paintings depict stories of
A jatakas
B Panchatantra
C purans
D tripitakas

47. The central city on the trade route during gupta period was
A patliputra  B Ujjain
C Mathura D kanauj

48. The first to invade India during 8th century was
A turks
B afghans
C arabs
D English

49. Before becoming emperor, Balban was a deputy to
A Iltutmish
B Razia
C Nasiruddin Mahmud
D Altunia

50. Which of the following is associated with sufi saints
A Tripitaks
B Dakhma
C Khanqah
D Synagogue

Modern India History

51. When did Aurangzeb Die?
A 1705 B 1707
C 1717 D 1709

52. When did Murshid Quli khan become the governor of Bengal?
A 1700 B 1717
C 1719 D 1721

53. Who was known as plato of the jat tribe?
A Chandgi Ram B Suraj Mal
C Chandravan D churaman

54. Who was the Maratha peshwa when the third battle of panipat was fought?
A balaji baji rao
B Narayan rao
C madhab rao II
D Baji Rao II

55. The council of barabhais was organised by
A nana phadnavis
B madhab rao Narayan
C baji rao II
D mahadji Scindia

56. Centre of Portuguese power in India was
A coching
B Calicut
C bijapur
D Goa

57. Who led the british forces to victory in the battle of buxer?
A Hector Munro
B Carnac
C Robert Clive
D Warren Hastings

58. Treaty of Srirangapatanam was concluded between tipu sultan and
A Robert clive
B cornwalis
C Dalhousie
D warren hastings

59. The treaty of Amritsar (1809) was signed between ranjit singh and
A The English
B The Holkar
C The Afghan
D The Russians

60. Sindh was conquered by the British in
A 1838
B 1839
C 1840
D 1841

61. Who adopted ring fence policy to safeguard british territories from native powers?
A Robert Clive
B Lord Cornwallis
C Spencer
D Lord Warren Hastings

62. Sir Thomas Munro is associated with which land revenue settlement?
A permanent settlement
B mahalwari settlement
C ryotwari settlement
D none

63. The rebels of 1857 revolt enthroned ______ as the emperor of India
A nana sahib
B bahadur shah jafar
C tantia tope
D Prince Faruk Uddin

64. Aligarh movement was started by
A Mohammed ali Jinnah
B Sir syed ahmed khan
C Dr. Zakir Hossain
D Sir Mohammad Iqbal

65. The first muslim president of indian national congress was
A abul kalam azad
B rafi ahmed kidwai
C Hakim Ajmal Khan
D Badruddin Tyabji

66. Who organised East India Association in London to mobilise public opinion for indian welfare?
A Justice ranade
B dadabhai Naoroji
C surendranath Banerjee
D anandamohan bose

67. In which of the following movements ‘Bande Matarama’ was adopted slogan for agitation?
A revolt of 1857
B partition of Bengal in 1905
C non cooperation movement of 1922
D Quit India movement of 1942

68 Ghadar party in USA was formed by
A bhai paramanand
B lala hardayal
C Raja mahendra pratap
D baba gurmukh singh

69. Gandhiji arrived in India form south Africa in
A 1902
B 1904
C 1909
D 1915

70. Rowlatt act was passed in
A 1916
B 1921
C 1919
D 1918

72. who among the following founded the all india depressed classes federation in 1920?
A MK Gandhi
B Jyotiba Phule
C GK Gokhle
D BR Ambedkar

73. Who among the following wrote the book “a nation in making”
A dinabandhu mitra
B B G Tilak
C surendranath Banerjee
D Subhas Chandra Bose

74. Hindu mahasava was founded in
A 1919
B 1917
C 1916
D 1920

75. The Azad Hind fauz was formed in
A 1937
B 1942
C 1943
D 1945


76. Indian standard meridian passes through the states of
A andhrapradesh and Karnataka
B andhrapradesh and tamilnadu
C Karnataka and tamilnadu
D uttarpradesh, madhyapradesh, chattisgarh, Odisha, and andhrapradesh

77. which of the following is not a satellite of jupiter
A Europa
B Titan
C Toto
D all of the above

78. group of small pieces of rock revolving round the sun between orbits of mars and Jupiter are
A meteors
B comets
C meteorites
D asteroids

79. excluding the moon, the celestial object that appears brightest in the sky is
A jupiter
B pole star
C venus
D mercury

80. The red forts of agra and delhi are made of red variety of
A sandstone
B loess
C marble
D schist

81. slate which is used for writing by school children is a form of
A igneous rock
B metamorphic rock
C sedimentary rock
D none

82. the soil which develop in-situ above parent bedrock is called
A primary soil
B secondary soil
C transported soil
D sedentary soil

83. the largest indian glacier that is siachen is situated in
A ladakh region
B karakoram range
C sulaiman range
D Hindukush range

84. temperature decreases with increasing height at the rate of
A 8 degree per 1000 meter
B 2 degree per 1000 meter
C 6.5 degree per 1000 meter
D 10.5 degree per 1000 meter

85. which of the following indian states receives the sun rays first in the morning?
A Tripura
B Sikkim
C Meghalaya
D arunachal Pradesh

86. Horse latitudes are found between
A 5degree north to 5 degree south
B 25 – 35 degree in both hemisphere
C 30 – 45 degree in both hemisphere
D none

87. monsoon wind fall in the category of
A planetary winds
B trade winds
C westerlies
D polar winds

88. which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched? (confusion)
A sandy soil – south Punjab
B red soil – tamil nadu
C black soil – Madhya Pradesh
D laterite soil -- uttar Pradesh

89. Ook, chestnut, maple and walnut are important trees of
A coniferous forest
B selves
C temperate deciduous forest
D monsoon forests

90. which of the following types of coal is also known as brown coal?
A anthracite
B bituminous
C lignite
D peat

91. In india, high quality basmati rice is mainly grown in
A Dehradun
B Kashmir
C sundargarh
D all of the above

92. sugarcanes requires constantly high temperature ranging between
A 15 – 20 degree celsius
B 21 – 27 degree Celsius
C 30 – 32 degree Celsius
D none

93. Maruti Udyog is located at
A ranchi
B Gurugram
C Rohtak
D Faridabad

94. which of the following forms kharif corps?
A rice wheat bazra jowar
B rice ragi linseed barley
C wheat gram barley
D jowar cotton rice maize

95. Musk deer is found in
A Haryana
B assam
C himachal Pradesh
D Andhra Pradesh

96. Largest reserve of coal occurs in India
A narmada basin
B damodar basin
C Godavari basin
D cauvery basin

97. which district of Bengal has largest number of population?
A south 24 parganas
B north 24 parganas
C Kolkata
D bardhhman

98. chittaranjan is famous for
A rail engine manufacturing
B rail coaches manufacturing
C ship building industry
D car manufacturing

99. Highest peak of Bengal is
A kanchanjungha
B drajeeling
C sandakfu
D gorgaburu

100. ganga passes through
A malda
B jalpaiguri
C purulia
D north 24 parganas


101 100x10-100+2000/100
A 29
B 780
C 920
D 979

102. David obtained 76, 65,82,67 and 85 (out of 100) in English Mathematics Physics Chemistry and Biology. What are his average marks?
A 65
B 69
C 72
D 75

103. In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of pulses costing Rs 15 and Rs 20 per kg respectively so as to get a mixture worth Rs16.50 per kg?
A 3:7
B 5:7
C 7:3
D 7:5

104 Raju Rinku and Ram can do a job in 6, 12, 24 days respectively. In what time, will they altogether do it?
A 3
B 33/7
C 43/7
D 4

105 A man can do a piece of work in 5 days, but with the help of his son, he can do it in 3 days. In what time can the son do it alone?
A 61/2
B 7
C 71/2
D 8

106.Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. If both pipes are used together, how long will it take to fill the tank?
A 12 minutes
B 15 minutes
C 25 minutes
D 50 minutes

107.An athlete runs 200 meters race in 24 seconds. His speed is
A 20 lm/h
B 24 km/h
C 28.5 km/h
D 30 km/h
108. Two trains are moving in the same direction at 50km/hr and 30km/hr respectively. The faster train crosses a man in the slower train in 18 seconds. Find the length of faster train.
A 100
B 80
C 50
D 120

109. A man can row upstream 10km/hr and downstream 16km/hr. Find the man’s speed in the still water
A 10
B 12
C 13
D 19

110. Find the 3 numbers in the ratio of 1:2:3, so that the sum of their squares is equal to 504.
A 4,8,12
B 6,12,18
C 8,16,24
D 10,20,30

111. There partners A,B,C invested Rs. 1600, 1800, 2300 respectively. How much A will get from profit of Rs. 1938?
A 544 
B 612
C 782
D none

112. Population of a town increased from 60000 to 65000. Find the increase percentage.
A 5%
B 6%
C 71/3%
D 81/3%

113. The average age of 30boys of a class is 14 years. When the age of the class teacher is included the average becomes 15 years. Find the age of the class teacher.
A 20
B 45
C 65
D 35

114 Which of the following is does not fit in the series?
240, ?, 120, 40, 10, 2
A 180
B 240
C 420
D 480

115. Car: Garage: :Aeroplane:
A airport
B depot
C Hanger
D Harbour

116. Which of the following is different from others?
A Gallon
B Ton
C Quintal
D Kilogram

117. If in certain language ROBUST is coded as QNATRS, which word will be coded as ZXCMP?

118. Rita told mani, “The girl I met yesterday at the beach, was the youngest daughter of the brother in law of my friend’s mother” How the girl is related to Rita’s friend?
A Cousin
B daughter
C Niece
D Aunt

119. Deepa moved a distance of 75 meters towards to north, then she turned to left and walked about 25 meters, turned left again and walked 80 meters. Finally, she turned to right at 45-degree angle. In which direction she is moving finally?
A north east
B south
C south west
D south east

120.How many such pairs of letters are there in the word INSTRUCTION which have as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4

121. Select the combination of numbers so that the letters arranged accordingly will form a meaningful word.
1 2  3  4 5  6 7 8
A 2,7,8,6,4,3,1,5
B 4,7,5,2,6,8,1,3
C 5,3,7,1,6,4,8,2
D 7,1,8,5,6,2,4,3

122. Rohan ranks 7th from the top and 26 from the bottom in a class. How many students are there?
A 31
B 32
C 33
D 34

123.If + means minus, x means divided by, / means plus and – means multiplied by. Then what will be the value of 252x9-5+32/92
A 95
B 168
C 192
D 200

124  A 200 meter long train running at 72 KM/H can cross a telegraph post in                    
A 10 sec
B 12sec
C 15 sec
D 20 sec                       
125. Looking into a mirror, the clock shows 9:30 as the time. The actual time is
A 2:30
B 3:30
C 4:30
D 6:30

Econ and Polity

126. Reserve bank of India was established
A 1935
B 1936
C 1949
D 1955

127. NABARD deals with
A agriculture
B industry
C financing of agriculture
D none

128. WPI is related to
A banking
B industry
C inflation
D none

129. Who presents the budget?
A finance ministry
B finance minister
C RBI governor
D prime minister

130. 14 banks were nationalised in 1969 with deposits worth
A 30 crore
B 40 crore
C 50 crore and more
D none

131. LPG is associated with in economy
A production of natural gas
B starting new economic measures
C removal of RBI governor
D none

132. In India people works more in
A organised sectors
B unorganised sectors
C same in A and B
D does not in these

133. When one more worker is added to workforce and the production increases by one unit is called
A GDP increase
B increase of production
C marginal working
D marginal productivity

134. when there is a soldier dies on the line of duty it is known as
A patriotism
B his job
C occupational hazards
D none

135. Balance of payment was in favour of India
A only once till date
B twice till date
C never till date
D every year till date

136. License for starting of new bank is issued by
A Govt of India
B Govt of respective state

137. Judges of Supreme court is appointed by
A president
B supreme court itself
C parliament
D none

138. Which of the following posts are not mentioned in the constitution?
A office of prime minister
B office of vice president
C office of president
D office of deputy prime minister

139. Maximum gap between two sessions of parliament is
A 4 months
B 3 months
C 6 months
D there is no gap

140. chairman of NITI Aayog is
A president of India
B prime minister of India
C governor of RBI
D none

141. article 148 is associated with
A attorney general
B advocate general
D Supreme court

142. article 44 is associated with
A uniform civil code
B organisation of village panchayat
C fundamental duties
D fundamental rights

143. The term secular is mentioned in the constitution for
A once only
B never mentioned
C mentioned in preamble only
D several times mentioned

144. President of India submits his resignation letter to
A prime minister
B vice president
C parliament
D he cannot resign

145. Vice president is elected
A directly
B indirectly
D both A and B

146. Minimum age required to contest in the election of loksava is
A 21 years
B 25 years
C 35 years
D 18 years

147. West Bengal has
A legislative assembly only
B legislative council also
C both A and B
D none

148. Members and chairman of WBPSC can be removed by
A Governor
B chief minister
C prime minister
D president

149. chairman of human rights commission is a
A chief justice of India
B chief justice of high court
C retired chief justice of India
D retired chief justice of high court.

150. Any disputes regarding election of office of president is decided by
A High court
B supreme court
C prime minister
D election commission


Fill in the blanks with an article
151. The road to _____ village well passes through a forest.
A an
B a
C the
D none

Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition

152 Everybody must abide ___ the laws of traffic.
A in
B with
C by
D for

153. Ladies has no access ____ Sabarimala temple.
A for
B to
C in
D into

Group Verb

154 People have _______ king’s rule to form a democratic government.
A taken over
B put down
C brought down
D brought out


155. Demure (confusion)
A unreserved
B retiring
C ambitious
D convivial

156. Defunct
A alive
B extinct
C animate
D vital


157 Cheap
A main
B noble
C chief
D expensive

158. condemn
A reprehend
B chide
C repose
D praise

One word substitution

159. Commencement of words with the same letter
A Rhyme
B alliteration
C Pun
D oxymoron

160. Large scale departure of people
A migration
B emigration
C immigration
D exodus

Fill in the blanks with right options

161. His companions prevailed upon him not to _____ to violence.
A refer
B resort
C prone
D provoke

162. He has not yet attained the age of 18. He has, therefore, no _____ to vote in this election.
A permission
B right
C claim
D authority

Fill in the blanks with appropriate filler

163. He tames animals because he ____
A seldom loves them
B is afraid of them
C is fond of them
D hates them

164. Can you lend me a pencil, please? ____
A Yes, you can
B yes, here you
C yes, here
D yes, here it is.

Sentence improvement

165. Rohit as fast as or perhaps faster than manish
A equally fast
B almost as fast
C as fast
D no correction required

166. He did many mischiefs
A made many a mischiefs
B made much mischiefs
C committed many mischiefs
D no improvement


167. something up one’s sleeve
A a grand idea
B a secret plan
C a profitable plan
D something important

168. To drink like a fish
A to drink little
B to drink alone
C to be drunkard
D to drink in the company of others

Find the misspelt word

169. a deficient
B efficient
C Magnificient
D Reticent

170 a Terrace
B transmitter
C terorism
D tremor

Choose the correct meaning

171 bon voyage
A bad intention
B pleasant journey
C fire in the forest
D coming home

172. adultery
A the practice of having extra marriage
B the practice of having eloped
C the practice of having extra marital relation
D being 18 years or above

173. A large number of fish swimming together
A herd
B swarm
C shoal
D hair

174. As grave as
A dead body
B judge
C umpire
D none

175. How have you __________ such a precious diamond?
A come across
B come by
C come of
D come off

176 সম্প্রতি ভারতীয় সংসদ কোন দুটি অনুচ্ছেদ বাতিল বলে ঘোষণা করেছে?
a আর্টিকেল 35
b আর্টিকেল 35A
c আর্টিকেল 370
d b c

177. কোন রাষ্ট্রপ্রধানকে গিনিদেশের সর্বোচ্চ national order of merit প্রদান করা হয়েছে?
a প্রধানমন্ত্রী
b রাষ্ট্রপতি
c সুপ্রিমকোর্টের প্রধান বিচারপতি
d উপরোক্ত কাউকেই নয়

178. 'কাবিল' তৈরী করার ক্ষেত্রে কোন কোম্পানী অংশীদার নয়?

179. SAMARTH APP চালু করেছে
a আমাজন
b গুগল
c ফেসবুক
d ফ্লিপকার্ট

180. JEE Ready app চালু করেছে
a আমাজন
b গুগল
c ফেসবুক
d ফ্লিপকার্ট

181. প্রধানমন্ত্রী লঘু ব্যাপারী মান ধান যোজনা অনুসারে পেনসন পাওয়া যাবে
a মাসে 3000 টাকা
b মাসে 5000 টাকা
c মাসে 1200 টাকা
d মাসে 4500 টাকা

182. উবের for tractors এই appটির লক্ষ্য হলো
a খামারের উপকরণ কেনার জন্য ফিনান্স সুলভ সুদে
b খামারের উপকরণ ভাড়া করার জন্য
c খামারের উপ্করণ চুরি থেকে রক্ষা করার জন্য
d ঋণ খেলাপি চাষিদের রক্ষা করার জন্য

183. জুলাই মাসে ব্রিকস বিদেশ মন্ত্রীদের জন্য বৈঠক অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছিল
a বেজিং
b দিল্লি
c লেনিনগ্রাড
d রিও

184. নৌমহড়া ‘কঙ্কণ’ এ অংশগ্রহণকারী দেশগুলি হলো
a ভারত ও ইংল্যান্ড
b ইংল্যান্ড ও জাপান
c ভারত ও জাপান
d ভারত ও নেপাল

185. বিশ্ব ব্যাঘ্র দিবসটি হলো
a 28 জুলাই
b 29 জুলাই
c 30 জুলাই
d 31 জুলাই

186. ভারতের national heritage animal টি হলো
a বাঘ
b সিংহ
c হাতি
d কোনটিই না

187. resurgent india বইটি লিখেছেন
a d b সুব্বারাও
b বিমল জালান
c raghuram রাজন
d কেউ না

188. কোন দেশ প্রথম জলের তলায় মিলিটারি মিউজিয়াম চালু করলো?
a সিরিয়া
b ইরাক
c জর্ডন
d ইরান

189. সম্প্রতি ভারতের কোন ব্যক্তি রমন ম্যাগসাসে পুরস্কার পেয়েছেন?
a অর্ণব গোস্বামী
b বর্ষা ঝা
c রবীশ কুমার
d কেউই না

190. 66তম জাতীয় শ্রেষ্ঠ চলচিত্র পুরস্কার পেয়েছে কোন ফিল্মটি
a হেল্লারো
b নাল
c বাধাই হো
d তারিখ

191. লোকসভার public account committee এর চেয়ারম্যান হলেন
a মানস ভুইয়া
b অধীর রঞ্জন চৌধুরী
c রাহুল গান্ধি 
d নরেন্দ্র মোদী

192. পশ্চিমবঙ্গের রাজ্যপাল হলেন
a কেশরীনাথ tripathi
b জগদীপ ধানকার
c গুরুপ্রসাদ মহাপাত্র
d গিররাজ প্রাসাদ গুপ্ত

193. SBI এর মানেজিং ডিরেক্টর হলেন
a ঘটুরাম মীনা
b চন্দ্রিমা সাহা
c অনুরাগ অদ্লাখা
d দিনেশ কুমার খাড়া

194. ব্রিটেনের প্রধানমন্ত্রী হলেন
a টেরেসা মে
b বরিস জনসন
c নোয়েল কুইন
d কেউই না

195. কানাডা ওপেন টেনিস পুরুষদের সিঙ্গেল বিজেতা হলেন
a রাফেল নাদাল
b মার্সেল গ্রানল্লাস
c দিনিয়েল মেদ্ভেদেব
d হরাসিও

196 Water stress index 2019 অনুযায়ী ভারতের স্থান হলো
a 12
 b 35
c 46
d 52

197. ভারতের জাতীয় কংগ্রেসের সভাপতি নির্বাচিত কে হয়েছেন
a রাহুল গান্ধি
b প্রিয়াঙ্কা গান্ধি
c সোনিয়া গান্ধি
d জ্যোতিরাদিত্যা সিন্ধিয়া

198. Colistin antibiotic টি সম্প্রতি কেন্দ্র সরকার নিষিদ্ধ করেছেন, সেটি হলো
a গোরুদের জন্য ব্যবহার
b ছাগলদের জন্য
c মানুষের জন্য
d পোল্ট্রি জন্য

199. Rhesus Macaque যেটিকে সম্প্রতি vermin ঘোষণা করা হয়েছে, তা হলো
a নীলগাই
b পাখি
c য়াক
d বানর

200. সম্প্রতি কোন বিদেশী ব্যাঙ্ককে RBI, ভারতে কার্যালয় স্থাপনের অনুমতি দিল?
a bank of থাইল্যান্ড
b bank of মালেসিয়া
c bank of SINGAPORE
d bank of চীনা

Prepared and distributed by Nando Sir of study with us
9831364928 & 8230086177

I am a civil services teacher. I teach online / offline for UPSC CSE / WBCS


  1. 19(c);169(all of these spellings are correct);196(Wrong options -- right rank is 13th)......My scores = 104.66 ; & WHAT IS THE CUTOFF, SIR ??

  2. marks-113/200...thanks sir

  3. Currect 111, wrong 30.obtained-101 out of 200

  4. Sir question gulo pdf format a upload korle valo hoy

  5. All qus Bengali version e dile vlo hy

  6. আপনাকে অনেক ধন‍্যবাদ স‍্যার।

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