WBCS Free Mock Test 3 for Preliminary 2020

1. Which of the following is in the Concurrent List in the Constitution of India?
(a) Population control and family planning
(b) Public health and sanitation
(c) Capitation taxes
(d) None of the above

2 The authority empowered to make laws in respect of matters not enumerated in any of three lists is/are:
(a) State Legislatures
(b) Union Parliament
(c) Union Parliament and State Legislatures
(d) The Advocate General of the States

3. A change in distribution of powers between the Centre and the States can be done by:
(a) The Central Government
(b) The federating units by themselves
(c) Amending the Constitution
(d) None of the above

4. Union Parliament has the power to legislate on the subjects of all three lists in respect of:
(a) Scheduled areas
(b) Hill areas
(c) Backward areas
(d) Union Territories

5. The State Election Commissioner can be removed from office:
(a) Only by the Governor
(b) In the same manner and on the same grounds as a Judge of the Supreme Court
(c) Only by the President on the advice of the chief Election commissioner of India.
(d) In the same manner as the Vice-President of India

6. Recognition to a political party is accorded by
(a) the Speaker of the Lok Sabha in the case of national parties and the Speaker of Legislative Assemblies in the case of regional parties
(b) The Election Commission
(c) The Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs
(d) A Committee of Whips

7. The Ashok Mehta Committee laid greater emphasis on
(a) Gram Sabha
(b) Mandal Panchayat
(c) Taluk Panchayat Samiti
(d) Zila Parishad

8. Which Amendment of the Constitution gave priority to Directive Principles over Fundamental Rights?
(a) 24th Amendment
(b) 39th Amendment
(c) 42nd Amendment
(d) 40th Amendment

9. Which of the following are correct regarding the Parliament's power of amendment?
1. It can amend the Fundamental Rights.
2. It can amend the basic structure of the Constitution.
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) Both I and II
(d) None of the above

10. An individual who is not a member of either House of Parliament can be appointed a member of the Council of Ministers, but he has to become a member of either House within a period of
(a) 1 month
(b) 2 months
(c) 3 months
(d) 6 months

11. Who is appointed as an adhoc Judge of the Supreme Court?
(a) A retired Judge of Supreme Court
(b) A sitting Judge of a High Court duly qualified for appointment as a Supreme Court Judge
(c) An acting Judge of the Supreme Court
(d) A person fully qualified for appointment as a Judge of the Supreme Court

12. The word 'Socialist' was added to the Preamble, its main aim is to
(a) Eliminate inequality in economic and political status
(b) Eliminate inequality in political and religious affairs
(c) Eliminate inequality in income and status and standards of life
(d) Eliminate class based society

13. Any dispute regarding the violation of Fundamental Rights can be presented
(a) In the Supreme Court only
(b) In the High Court only
(c) Either in the Supreme Court or in the High Court
(d) First in the High Court and then in the Supreme Court

14. Low productivity of agriculture in India is not caused by
A inadequate availability of input
B subdivision of landholdings
C less area under cultivation
D poor finance facilities

15.cooperative movement was initiated in India in
A farming
B consumer good
C agricultural credit
D marketing of agricultural products

16.A foreign tourist came to India. It is an
A import
B export
C both
D none

17 A scheduled bank is one which is included in the
A 2nd scheduled of banking regulation act
B 2nd scheduled of constitution of India
C 2nd scheduled of Reserve Bank Act
D none

18. Black money is
A counterfeit currency
B illegally earned money
C money earned through underhand deals
D income on which payment of tax is evaded

19. Indian rupee is fully convertible
A in respect of current account
B in respect of capital account
C into gold
D none

20. The situation with increasing unemployment and inflation is termed as
A Hyper inflation
B galloping inflation
C stagflation
D reflation

21. Bokaro plant was established in which plan
A first
B second
C third
D fourth

22. Indian earns maximum foreign exchange from export of
A garments
B jute
C gems and jewellery
D cotton

23. Invisible export means, export of
A services
B goods
C goods and services
D items required for magic shows

24. What does S and P 500 related to
A super computer
B ecommerce business
C new technique to build bridge
D index of share market

25. GDP is
A Gross dearness people
B Global domestic product
C Game deal payment
D Gross domestic product

26 Which region gets first monsoon in summer?
(a) Himalayas
(b) Western Ghats
(c) Eastern Ghats
(d) Gangatic Plain

27. What is the International Date Line?
(a) An imaginary line connecting places of the same altitude
(b) It is 180º Meridian from Greenwich
(c) Region within 5º of the Equator
(d) None of these

28. What causes earthquakes?
(a) Occurrence of underground water
(b) Volcanic eruptions
(c) Occurrence of cracks and fissures in rocks
(d) No definite cause has been found so far

29. Where in India is the rift valley to be found?
(a) Brahmaputra Valley
(b) Godavari Valley
(c) Cauvery Valley
(d) Narmada Valley

30. Major coal deposits of India occur in
(a) Seams separated by igneous rocks
(b) Seams separated by sedimentary rocks
(c) Seams separated by metamorphic rocks
(d) Open cast mines

31. Jute fibre is obtained from which part of the Jute?
(a) Root
(b) Stem
(c) Leaf
(d) Fruit

32. The shape of the Himalayas is like
(a) A straight line
(b) An arc
(c) A zigzag line
(d) A spiral

33. Which of the following is a natural harbour?
(a) Visakhapatnam
(b) Mumbai
(c) Chennai
(d) Kolkata

34. Which of the following is a new bio-fertilizers?
(a) Green Blue Algae
(b) Nitrates
(c) Compost
(d) Farmyard manure

35. Which State in India is known as the 'Granary of India'?
(a) Haryana
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Punjab
(d) Kerala

36. Which one of the following Indian towns has the longest sea beach?
(a) Kolkata
(b) Mumbai
(c) Chennai
(d) Cochin

37. Coal is an example of
(a) Igneous rocks
(b) Sedimentary rocks
(c) Metamorphic rocks
(d) None of the above

38. Total number of district in Bengal is
A 23
B 24
C 28
D None

39. Length of Bangladesh border with West Bengal
A 2216
B 1722
C 1589
D 700

40. West Bengal has international border with
A Nepal
B Bhutan
C bangladesh
D all of the above

41. Area of West Bengal is
A 34267 sqmi
B 32568 sqmi
C 38547sqmi
D 25698 sqmi

42.Which of the following is world heritage site in located in west Bengal
A Victoria memorial
B Darjeeling Himalayan Railway
C Qutab Minar
D Shahid Minar

43. How many seats are there in the west Bengal legislative assembly?
A 293
B 294
C 295
D 300

44. Who chief minister of West Bengal
A Jagdip Dhankar 
B Parth Chakraborty
C keshri Nath Tripathi
D Mamata Banerjee

45. Per capita income of west Bengal is approx
A $1500
B $1000
C $750
D $1250

46. GDP of west Bengal is approx
A $150 billion
B $200 billion
C $500 billion
D $100 billion

47. Official language of west Bengal is
A Bangla
B English
C a and b
D Arabic

48. HDI value of west Bengal is (2015)
A 0.610
B 0.620
C 0.630
D 0.640

49. How many members are elected in west Bengal legislative assembly?
A 1
B 2
C 10
D 8

50. Area wise rank of west bengal in India is
A 11
B 12
C 13
D 14

51. Which of the following is the oldest seat of learning?
(a) Nalanda
(b) Vikramshila
(c) Taxila
(d) Ujjain

52. Who is the author of Kadambari, from among the following?
(a) Kalidas
(b) Panini
(c) Kautilya
(d) Bana

53. To whom did the term 'Macedonia's madaman' refer?
(a) Alexander
(b) Xersus
(c) Darius
(d) Phillip II

54. The Arab conquest of Sind in 712 AD had taken place under the leadership of
(a) Mohammed of Ghazni
(b) Mohammed-bin-Qasim
(c) Mohammed of Ghori
(d) None of the above

55. The script of the Indus Valley Civilization was
(a) Dravidian
(b) Persian
(c) Sanskrit
(d) Undecipherable

56. The Digambaras and Shvetambaras differ primarily with regard to their
(a) Choice of god
(b) Philosophical doctrines
(c) Dress
(d) Rituals

57. Which of the following was common to both the Harappan society and the Rigvedic society?
(a) Horse
(b) Female deities
(c) Urban centres
(d) None

58. The temples known as the Seven Pagodas had been built by the
(a) Pallavas
(b) Cholas
(c) Hoysalas
(d) Chalukyas

59. In the Rigveda the term Dasas and Dasyus refers to
(a) Robbers
(b) tribals
(c) Non-Aryans
(d) Menials

60. The word Jina from which the Jain(ism) has originated stands for
(a) great
(b) Detached
(c) Non-violence
(d) Conqueror (of senses)

61. The Sanskrit drama which triumph over the Nanda is
(a) Mrichhakatika
(b) Mudrarakshasa
(c) Devichandragupta
(d) Prabodhchadrodaya

62. The last Nanda ruler of Magadha who was overthrown by Chandragupta Maurya with the help of Chanakya was
(a) Mahapadmananda
(b) Dhanananda
(c) Navananda
(d) Not known

63. Who, among the following rulers, organised the Second Buddhist Assembly?
(a) Ajatashatru
(b) Kalasoka
(c) Ashoka
(d) Ananda

64. The term "Tirthankaras" is associated with
(a) Hinduism
(b) Jainism
(c) Buddhism
(d) Zoroastrianism

65. Who possibly ruled the Indus people?
(a) an assembly of elders
(b) Merchants
(c) Kings
(d) Priests

66. From the point of view of the Turkish rule, the most important contribution of IItutmish was
(a) Establishment of dynastic rule
(b) He was the first Muslim ruler in India to issue coins
(c) He made Delhi the capital of the Sultanate
(d) He organised the Iqta System

67. Muhammad-bin Tughluq transferred his capital from Delhi to Devagiri because
(a) Delhi was insecure on account of Mongol invasions
(b) Devagiri was more centrally located
(c) From Devagiri he wanted to complete the conquest of the South
(d) All the above

68. Shayista Khan escaped with the loss of three fingers from
(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Shivaji
(c) Afzalkhan
(d) Sambhaji

69. Shivaji crowned himself at
(a) Poona
(b) Konkan
(c) Bijapur
(d) Rajgarh

70. In which town is the mausoleum of Sher Shah located?
(a) Lahore
(b) Fatehpur Sikri
(c) Sahasaram
(d) Agra

71. Which art did Jahangir patronise in particular?
(a) Architecture
(b) Painting
(c) Music
(d) Sculpture

72. What does the Sangam age owe its name to?
(a) Village assembly
(b) Jain Influence
(c) Confluence of rivers
(d) A literary guild

73. Who was the ruler of Chittor, when Alauddin Khalji attacked and conquered it in 1303 AD?
(a) Rana Kumbha
(b) Rana Ratan Singh
(c) Rana Hammir
(d) Rana Sanga

74. Which Rajput dynasty had not surrendered to Akbar?
(a) Pratihara
(b) Sisodiya
(c) Rathor
(d) Parmar

75. The East India Company was founded in India during the reign of
(a) Shah Jahan
(b) Jahangir
(c) Akbar
(d) Aurangzeb

76. The All India Muslim League was founded in 1906 primarily to promote among Indian Muslims
(a) Mutual unity and goodwill
(b) Political consciousness
(c) Feeling of loyalty to the British Government
(d) Hatred for the Congress

77. The English who twice served as President of the Indian National Congress was
(a) George Yule
(b) Sir William Wedderburn
(c) AO Hume
(d) Mrs Annie Besant

78. When the Congress Ministries were formed in the provinces in June 1937, the Viceroy of India was
(a) Lord Willingdon
(b) Lord Irwin
(c) Lord Linlithgow
(d) Viscount Wavell

79. In which of the following provinces the Congress Ministry was not formed in June 1937?
(a) United Provinces
(b) Central Provinces
(c) Madras
(d) Assam

80. August Offer 1940 was made by the Viceroy
(a) Willingdon
(b) Linlithgow
(c) Minto
(d) Lytton

81. The word Pakistan was coined by
(a) Mohammed Iqbal
(b) Jinnah
(c) Abul Kalam Azad
(d) Rahmat Ali

82. The use of the mother tongue in India in the law Court was permitted by
(a) Lord Hastings
(b) Cornwallis
(c) Lord Dalhousie
(d) Bentinck

83. The English established their first factory in Bengal in 1651 at ______.
(a) Hugli
(b) Kassimbazar
(c) Patna
(d) Calcutta

84. Of the following who transferred the capital from Murshidabad to Monghyr?
(a) Mir Kasim
(b) Mir Jaffar
(c) Siraj-ud-Daulah
(d) Mir Mudan

85. The Hindu College was started in 1817 at
(a) Calcutta
(b) Bombay
(c) Madras
(d) Pondicherry

86. The Wahabis operated from
(a) Hindukush
(b) Khyber Pass
(c) Western Ghat
(d) Palghat

87. The first Indian to enter the Indian Civil Service was
(a) Gokhale
(b) Satyendra Nath Tagore
(c) Ramanuja
(d) Rabindranath Tagore

88 SN Banerjee was appointed Professor in English in the Metropolitan Institute at
(a) Bombay
(b) Madras
(c) Calcutta
(d) Bangalore

89. A Royal Commission on the Public Service was appointed in the year
(a) 1912
(b) 1915
(c) 1910
(d) 1918

90. During the Viceroyalty of Sir John Lawrence the bone of contention between India and Bhutan was
(a) Duars
(b) Jalpaiguri
(c) Goalpara
(d) Cooch Behar

91. Which of the following was not included in the early three English Settlements in India?
(a) Madras
(b) The Punjab
(c) Bombay
(d) Calcutta

92. By the Charter Act of 1813 the Indian trade except in ______ was thrown open to all British subjects.
(a) Tea
(b) Spices
(c) Coffee
(d) Cotton

93. Who had become the first Governor-General of India after independence?
(a) Dr Rajendra Prasad
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Lord Pethick Lawrence
(d) Lord Mountbatten

94. What had the Sir Charles Wood Despatch of 1854 primarily dealt with?
(a) Social reforms
(b) Administrative reforms
(c) Educational reforms
(d) Political consolidation

95. The landmarks or Dalhousie's administration did not include
(a) Indian Railways
(b) English as the medium of instruction
(c) Public works department
(d) Telegraph

96. Who among the following had during his reign introduced a new calendar, a new system or coinage, and new scales or weights and measures
(a) Tipu Sultan
(b) Murshid Quli Khan
(c) Raghunath Rao
(d) Lord Cornwallis

97. Communal Representation was for the first time given in the interest of Muslims by
(a) The Indian Council Act of 1909
(b) The Government of India Act of 1919
(c) The Government of India Act of 1935
(d) The Act of 1858

98. In Bengal, the East India Company's headquarters were located at
(a) Fort St George
(b) Fort william
(c) Fort St David
(d) Shantiniketan

99. Who was the first to use the term 'Adivasi' to refer to the tribal people?
(a) Jyotiba Phule
(b) Thakkar Bappa
(c) M N Srinivas
(d) B R Ambedkar

100. Who was the Congress President at the time when India become free?
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) V L Pandit
(c) Sardar Patel
(d) J B Kripalani

101. The LCM of two number is 2079, and their HCF is 27. One of the number is 189, find the other
A 28
B 79
D 297

102. If a carton containing a dozon mirrors is dropped, which of the following can not be the ratio of the broken mirrors to unbroken mirrors?
A 2:1
B 3:1
C 3:2
D 1:1

103. A and B invested in the ratio of 3:2 in a business. If 5% of the total profit goes to charity and A’s share is Rs.855, find the total profit.
A 1400
B 1500
C 1600
D 1700

104. If 3.5% of income taken as tax and 12.5% of the remaining is saved. This leaves Rs.4053 to spend. What is income?
A 4800
B 4900
C 5000
D 5100

105. A cricketer completed 10 innings and his average is 21.5 runs. How many runs must he make in his next innings so as to raise his average to 24?
A 45
B 49
C 50
D 55

106. Present ratio of age of father and son is 6:1, After 5 years’ ratio will become 7:2. What is the present age of the son?
A 30
B 35
C 36
D 42

107. A man bought a cycle for Rs 560. For how much shall he sell it so as to lose 10%
A 504
B 514
C 606
D 614

108 5% more is gained by selling a cow for Rs 1010 than by selling it for Rs1000. Find the cost price
A 200
B 300
C 400
D 500

109.A certain sum of money amounts to Rs 756 in 2 years, and to Rs 873 in 3.5 years Find the sum and rate of interest
A 56 and 13%
B 156 and 13%
C 256 and 23%
D 340 and 18%

110.300gm of sugar solution has 40% sugar in it. How much sugar must be added to make it 50% of the solution/
A 60
B 70
C 120
D 180

111. Mohan can do a job in 10 days and Ramesh can do it in 15 days. How long will they take if both work together?
A 6
B 8
C 12
D 15

112. A can do a job in 25 days and B can do it in 20 days. They work together for 5 days and then A goes away. In how many days B will finish the work
A 11
B 111/3
C 121/3
D 18

113. Two pipes P and Q would fill a cistern in 24 hours and 32 hours respectively. If both pipes are opened together, find when the first pipe must be

turned off so that the cistern may be just filled in 16 hours
A 12
B 16
C 18
D 20

114. A tank has a leak which would empty it in 8 hours. A tap is turned on which admits 6 litre a minute in to the tank, and it is now emptied in 12 hours. How many litre does the tank hold.
A 8840
B 8640
C 8460
D 8860

115. A man takes 12 hours to walk to a certain place and ride back. If walks both the ways he needs 3 hours more. How long would he have taken to ride both the ways?
B 15
C 6
D 18

116.A train passes by a stationary man standing on the platform in 7 seconds and a platform in 28 seconds. If length of the platform is 330 meter, what is length of the train?
A 11
B 120
C 130
D 140

117. 2, 12, 36, 80, 150, ?
A 194
B 210
C 252
D 258

118. cccbb__aa__cc__bbbaa__c
A acbc
B baca
C baba
S acba

119.Radio : Listener :: Film : ?
A Producer
B Actor
C Viewer
D Director

120 Which of the following is different?
A Brick
B Heart
C bridge
D spade
E club

121. RAIL is written as KCTN, SPEAK is written as CGRUM. So, AVOID =?

122. A is facing towards west and turns through 45 degrees clockwise, again 180 degrees clockwise and then turns through 270 degrees anticlockwise. In which direction he is facing now?
A west
B north west
C south
D south west

123. In a class of 60, where girls are twice that of boys, Kamal Ranked 17th from the top. If there are 9 girls ahead of kamal, How many boys are after him in rank?
A 3
B 7
C 12
D 23

A – 30
B -15
C 15


A 1216
B 2250
C 8100
D 11036

126. Perdition
A excitement
B reward
C inspiration
D salvation

127. shame
A glorify
B exalt
C dignify
D enshrine

A courage
B audacity
C capacity
D strength

129 despicable
A sarcastic
B contemptuous
C critical
D contemptible

130. Act of taking one’s life
A suicide
B slaughter
C homicide
D immolation

131 a person who brings goods legally into the country
A exporter
B importer
C smuggler
D imposter

132. A man who dances to the tunes of his wife
A effeminate
B slave
C henpecked
D chum

133. A place of ideal peace and happiness
A asylum
B utopia
C El dorado
D Elysium

To be at daggers drawn
A to be frightened
B ready to face danger
C to threaten one
D to be bitter enemy

135. by fair means or foul
A without using common sense
B without difficulty
C in any way, honest or dishonest
D having been instigated

136. Hard pressed
A bewildered
B insulated
C hard discipline
D in difficulties 

137. to pull strings
A to exert hidden influence
B to tease someone
C to speed up
D to start something

Group verbs
138. Look after
A take care
B take away
C abhorrence
D birth

139. stand by
A support
B sit
C standing
D running

140. make for
A contribution
B ready
C manufacture
D destroy

Fill in the blanks
141. You can not device a method which _______ all possibility of error
A ignores
B avoids
C excludes
D includes

142. He _____ in wearing the old fashioned coat inspite of his wife’s disapproval
A resists
B desists
C persists
D insists

143. The _____ of nuclear power feel that it is one of the most dangerous developments in modern civilisation
A activists
B antagonists
C victims
D opponents

144. The house is in terrible state, the paint on the door is ____ badly
A flaking
B rotting
C eroding
D decaying

145. A man who is well-bred and honourable invariably shows ___ for the feelings of others
A complacence
B concern
C consideration
D contempt

146. The board call on a meeting to ____ the financial situation of the company
A Revise
B cover
C review
D support

147. To promote trade, it is necessary for the government to ___ restrictions on exports
A reduce
B relax
C break
D modify

148. We had a ___ of warm weather in February
A phase
B length
C spell
D time

149. The landlord has threatened to ___ me, If I do not vacate the house by next month
A charge
B sue
C suspend
D accuse

150. The spanish regarded him as an _____ and called him a villain
A imposter
B apostle
C informer
D archer

151.Who discovered blood circulation in human body first?
A Vesalius
B William Harvey
C Leevewenhoek
D Luis

152.Luis Pasteur is credited with inventing medicines of which disease?
A cholera
B anthrax
C a and b
D none

153. Alexander Fleming was a
A British
B French
C Spanish
D American

154. Origin of species by means of natural selection—is propounded by
A Lamarck
B Darwin
C Mendel
D De Vries

155. Benedict Roth apparatus is used for
A measuring blood pressure
B heart
D Length of tree

156. Which of the following is not present in plant cell but in animal cell?
A Mitochondria
B Golgi bodies
C centrosome
D none

157. Which of the following is present in plant cell but not in animal cells?
A Mitochondria
B plastid
C cell wall
D none

158. In a normal human being number of chromosome is
A 46
B 48
C 47
D 23

159. Adenine and Guanine is found in
C Both
D none

160. In photosynthesis, light reaction occurs in
A Grana area
B stroma area
C both
D none

161. Which colour of spectrum helps photosynthesis most?
A Red
B blue
C orange
D purple

162. In photosynthesis solar energy is converted into
A kinetic energy
B potential energy
C both
D none

163. Second phase of respiration occurs in
A cytoplasm
B Nucleus
C mitochondria
D none

164. Heat energy is most in
A Glucose
B Protein
C Fat
D none

165. Toad skin disease is result of lack of
A vitamin A
B vitamin b
C vitamin c
D vitamin d

166. Ascorbic acid is scientific name of vitamin
B c
C b
D k

167. Auto trophic nutrition can be seen in
A plants
B animals
C both
D none

168. Absorption of food in human body is done by
A food pipe
B liver
C villi
D none

169. Mean age of red blood corpuscle is
A 15 days
B 90 days
C 120 days
D 150 days

170. Presence of excess number of white blood corpuscles causes
A anaemia
B cancer
C blood cancer
D none

171. Main constituent of Nephron is
A Malpighian corpuscle
B Renal Tubule
C Collecting Tube
D all of the above

172. Insulin is secreted by
A alpha cell
B beta cell
C gamma cell
D all of the above

173. Which hormone controls emergency situation
A insulin
B glucagon
C Somato trophic hormone
D None

174.Crossing over is seen in
A mitosis
B meiosis
C both
D none

175. ARC Indicator is associated with
A plants
B animals
C dead bodies
D none

176. Nelson Mandela peace summit took place in
B Russia
C England
D South Africa

177. Who represented India in SAFTA meeting recently in September 2018?
A Narendra Modi
B Shusma Swaraj
C Arun Jaitley
D none

178. Secretary of United Nations is
A Ban Ki moon
B Donald trumph
C Antonio Guaterous
D none

179. Champion of Earth is jointly won by prime minister of INDIA Narendra Modi and
A Vladimir Putin
B Imanuel Macron
C Xi Jingpin
D Malcom Turbunal

180. Safer is a technique of giving up consumption of alcohol is launched by
D Health ministry of India

181. DIGI Yatra is associated with
A Rail Travel
B Cruise travel
C air travel
D none

182. Indra Yatra was celebrated in
A India
B Bhutan
C Nepal
D None

183. Sahayog Hop TAC is war game between India and
A china
B Nepal
C Vietnam
D Russia

184. India Brazil and South Africa jointly conducted marine war game
A Aviaindra 18
C Jimex 18
D Corpat

185. Rank of Brazil in FIFA ranking is
A 2
B 3
C 4
D 5

186 Place of Facebook in best global brands is
A 1st
B 2nd
C 8th
D 9th

187. Which country is in top position of global human capital index published in bali recently
A Singapore
B Norway
C India
D Laos

188. Who is chairman of Lokpal Search committee
A Ranjon Gagoi
B Dipak Mishra
C ranjan Deshai
D none

189. World cancer free day is celebrated on
A 22 September
B 23 September
C 24 September
D 25 September

190. Oneer TM is
A tank
B rifle
C water purifier
D chemical weapon

191. BSNL NTT communication signed an mou for
A launching 4g services
B launching 5g services
C setting up towers
D none

192. The paradoxical prime minister is written by
A Rahul Gnadhi
B Sushma Swaraj
C Sashi Tharoor
D none

193.Naropa is a form of
A paint
B dance
C God
D none

194. Which country has partnered India to eradication of TB
A Russia
B England
C Ice land

195. Which of the following item/s has/have been conferred GI tag?
A shahi lichi of bihar
B alfanso mango
C both
D none

196. Dolphin research centre will be built in
A Kolkata
B patna
C varanashi
D Mathura

197. First smoke free state in India is
A kerala
B Sikkim
C Gujarat
D Tamilnadu

198. Largest Sea bridge has been inaugurated in China. Its length is
A 45km
B 55km
C 65km
D 25km

199. Anna Berns has won
A woman booker prize
B man booker prize
C nobel in literature
D none

200. Rajib Gandhi Khel Ratna award has been given to
A Virat Kohli
B S Mirabai Chanu
C both
D None

Compiled and distributed by Nando Sir
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I am a civil services teacher. I teach online / offline for UPSC CSE / WBCS


  1. উওর পএ টা কিভাবে পাবো ?

  2. Osonkho dhonno bad sir apnake.. Ato sundor qus set up korar jnno r sokol k mock er sujog kore dawar jnno...

  3. Answer ta taratari upload karun. r sojjo hochhe na sir,

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