WBCS Free Mock Test 4 || For WBCS 2020

1 For the enforcement of Fundamental Rights, the Supreme Court may issue a/an
(a) decree
(b) ordinance
(c) notification
(d) writ

2. Which of the following writs is issued by the court in case of illegal detention of a person?
(a) Habeas Corpus
(b) Mandamus
(c) Certiorari
(d) Quo Warranto

3. Elections to elect ____ are not controlled by the
Election Commission.
(a) Members of Parliament
(b) Members of State Legislature
(c) President of India
(d) Members of Local Bodies 

4. The Special officer for Linguistic Minorities (Art 350 B) is appointed by the
(a) Home Minister
(b) President
(c) Prime Minister
(d) Law Minister 

5 The Chief Justice and other judges of the Supreme Court of India hold office until they attain the age of
(a) 58 years
(b) 60 years
(c) 65 years
(d) 70 years 

6 After the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has ceased to hold office he will not be eligible for further office under the Government of
(a) any State
(b) India or Government of any State
(c) India
(d) any Union Territory 

7 The Preamble of the Constitution was amended for the first time by the
(a) 24th amendment
(b) 38th amendment
(c) 42nd amendment
(d) 44th amendment 

8 The provisions relating to the suspension of
fundamental rights by the President during emergencies were borrowed from the
(a) Constitution of Canada
(b) Constitution of Britain
(c) Constitution of USA
(d) Weimar Constitution of Germany 

9 In the election of the President of India the
Constitution has attempted to
(a) maintain parity between the Union and the States
(b) afford more weightage to the Union
(c) afford more weightage to the States
(d) afford more weightage to the Union Territories 

10. A new State can be created by a/an
(a) Act of Parliament
(b) Amendment to the Constitution of India under Article 368
(c) Resolution passed by both the Houses of Union Parliament
(d) Ordinance issued by the President of India 

11 Who among the following has the right to address both the Houses of Parliament?
(a) Chief Justice of India
(b) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(c) Attorney General for India
(d) Governor of the Reserve Bank of India 

12. To abide by the Constitution and respect Its Ideals and Institutions the National Flag and the National Anthem is a/an
(a) Fundamental Right
(b) Fundamental Duty
(c) Ordinary Right
(d) Directive Principles of State Policy 

13. The Vice-President, In the event of receiving the resignation of the President, shall forthwith communicate this to the
(a) Prime Minister of India
(b) Chief Justice of India
(c) Speaker of the House of the People
(d) Attorney General for India 

14. Tarapore committee is associated with
A special economic zone
B full capital account convertibility
C foreign exchange reserve
D effects of oil prices on indian economy 

15 India is self sufficient in producing
A Edible oil
B Milk
C Natural Gas
D all of the above 

16. Countrywide economic census is conducted by
A department of expenditure
B National sample survey organisation
C planning commission
D central statistical organisation 

17. Demographic dividend means
A high population in the age below 15 years
B high population age between 15 to 64 years
C high population age above 65 years
D none 

18. From the view of international economy, third world Implies
A developed countries
B developing country
C block led by NATO

19. Gadgill formula refers to
A Market borrowing between states
B central plan assistance between states
C tax proceeds between states
D foreign assistance between centre and states 

20. Earlier name of WTO was

21. The association of states BRICS, S means
A srilanka
B Syria
C south africa
D Sumatra 

22. Head quarter of IMF and World Bank is in
A Geneva and Montreal
B Geneva and Vienna
C New York and Geneva
D both Washington DC 

23. Which of the following provides long term finance to industry?
D all of the above 

24. Which is not from tertiary sector
A Transport
B Trade
C Business Service
D Electricity 

25. Biggest Public sector is
A Iron and steel plants
B roadways
C railways
D airways 

26. Which of the Indian states has the maximum number of common borders with other Indian States?
(a) West Bengal
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Karnataka 

27. One of the states not bisected by the Tropic of Cancer is
(a) Odisha
(b) Gujarat
(c) West Bengal
(d) Rajasthan 

28. The Garo, Khasi and Jaintia hills were formed in the same age as the
(a) Himalayas
(b) Shiwalik Range
(c) Malwa Plateau
(d) Himachal Range 

29. The Ganga-Brahmaputra Plain widens
(a) from east to west
(b) from west to east
(c) at the middle
(d) Nowhere 

30. What is the most important characteristic of the islands (Indian) located in the Arabian Sea?
(a) They are all very small in size
(b) They are all of coral origin
(c) They have a very dry climate
(d) They are extended parts of the mainland 

31. A rainshadow region gets
(a) large quantity of rainfall
(b) rainfall six months in a year
(c) rainfall all through the year
(d) scanty or no rainfall 

32. What is the standard time of India with reference to
Greenwich Mean Time?
(a) 5.5 hours slow
(b) 11 hours fast
(c) 5.5 hours fast
(d) 11 hours slow 

33. The second largest east-flowing Peninsular river is
(a) Godavari
(b) Krishna
(c) Cauvery
(d) Mahanadi 

34. The highest point in the Aravalli range is
(a) Dodabetta
(b) Anaimudi
(c) Guru Sikhar
(d) Panchmarhi 

35. Ahmedabad is situated on the river bank of
(a) Sabarmati
(b) Mahi
(c) Luni
(d) Nannada 

36. The glacier of the Nubra Valley the longest one with a length of over 72 km is called
(a) Hispar
(b) Siachen
(c) Biafo
(d) Baltaro 

37. Narmada and Tapi flow into the
(a) Gulf of Khambat
(b) Palk Strait
(c) Bay of Bengal
(d) Gulf of Kachchh

38. The river Damodar ends in
(a) River Ganga
(b) River Hugli
(c) The Bay of Bengal
(d) Salt Lake 

39. Nepal and Bhutan lies to _____ of west Bengal
A south
B north
C north east
D east 

40. Population wise rank of west bangal in India is
A 2nd
B 3rd
C 4th
D 5th 

41. Literacy rate of west Bengal is
A 74.04
B 78.08
C 77.08
D 84.89 

42. official website of west bengal is
A www.wb.gov.in
B www.pscebonline.gov.in
C www.bangermukh.com
D www.banglarmukh.gov.in 

43. Economy of west bengal is
A first in India
B 2nd in India
C 3rd in India
D 6th in India 

44. West Bengal is more associated with
A football
B cricket
C football and cricket equally
D none 

45. West Bengal was part of which mahajanpad
A anga
B baishali
C Magadha
D rajgriha 

46. Himalaya is detached from rest of Bengal by
A duars region
B terai region
C both
D none 

47. How many districts are affected by arsenic atleast?
A 5
B 6
C 8
D 9 

48. State animal of west Bengal is
A cat
B tiger
C fishing cat
D none 

49. Bardhman is divided into two districts in
A 2015
B 2016
C 2017
D 2018 

50. Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is part of
A Eastern Railway
B northern railway
C frontier railway
D north frontier railway 

51. The Upanishads are books devoted to
(a) Yoga
(b) Social law
(c) Religious rituals
(d) Philosophy 

52. Whom was Ashvaghosha a contemporary of?
(a) Menander
(b) Harsha
(c) Kanishka
(d) Ashoka 

53. The Mauryan administration was highly
(a) Decentralized
(b) Bureaucratic
(c) Centralized
(d) Despotic 

54. Emperor Harsha's southward march was stopped on the Narmada river by
(a) Pulakesin-I
(b) Pulakesin-Il
(c) Vikramaditya-I
(d) Vikramaditya-II 

55. The Buddha's Eight Fold Path did not include
(a) Right Resolve
(b) Right Views
(c) Right Speech
(d) Right Singing 

56. By whom had the stupa at Sanchi in Madhya Pradesh been built?
(a) Ashoka
(b) Harshavardhana
(c) Kanishka
(d) Chandragupta 

57. The author of Ashtadhyayai is
(a) Charaka
(b) Panini
(c) AIyabhatta
(d) Chanakya 

58. In the Rigvedic period, after the king the next most Important functionary of the State was the
(a) Senani
(b) Revenue collector
(c) Magician-doctor
(d) Purohita 

59. What did the Devadana type of a land tenure signify?
(a) Villages donated to Brahmins
(b) Villages donated to the King
(c) Villages donated to the gods
(d) Villages which were deserted 

60. What was the extent of Harsha's empire?
(a) The entire Indian subcontinent
(b) The whole of India
(c) The entire Deccan region
(d) A part of northern India 

61. Which of the following rulers had reigned in the third century BC?
(a) Jehangir
(b) Ashoka
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Akbar 

62. Who was the founder of the Sankhya School of philosophy?
(a) Ramanuja
(b) Manu
(c) Swami Vivekananda
(d) Kapila 

63. Which of the following is not an important work of Kalidasa?
(a) Shakuntala
(b) Kumarasambhava
(c) Gita Govinda
(d) Meghadoot 

64. Who was not among the scholars patronized by Kanishka?
(a) Parsva
(b) Birbal
(c) Ashvaghosha
(d) Nagarjuna

65. Which important industry show signs of having thrived in Lothal?
(a) Pottery
(b) Shipbuilding
(c) Terracota toys
(d) Aircraft manufacture 

66. The archaeologist to initially discover the Mohenjo-Daro site of the Indus Valley Civilization was
(a) Sir John Marshall
(b) Daya Ram Sahni
(c) Sir Martimir Wheeler
(d) Rakhal Das Banerji 

67. Which of the following Indus Valley sites is presently in Pakistan?
(a) Kalibangan
(b) Harappa
(c) Alamgirpur
(d) Lethal 

68. The Vedic deity Indra was the god of
(a) Fire
(b) Rain and Thunder
(c) Eternity
(d) Wind 

69. Where was Mahavira born?
(a) Sravasti
(b) Vaishali
(c) Rajagriha
(d) Pataliputra 

70. The oldest Jain scriptures are regarded to be the
(a) Fourteen Purvas
(b) Twelve Upangas
(c) Twelve Angas
(d) Fourteen Uparvas 

71. Who among the following rulers had embraced Jainism?
(a) Chandragupta Maurya
(b) Bindusara
(c) Ajatashatru
(d) Pulakesin 

72. During the reign of Aurangzeb, Rajaram was a
(a) Jat Leader
(b) Mughal Leader
(c) Maratha Leader
(d) Sikh Leader 

73. In 1542 Akbar was born at
(a) Agra
(b) Herat
(c) Amarkot
(d) Kabul 

74. The original name of Sher Shah was
(a) Sikandar
(b) Akbar
(c) Farid
(d) Tahmasp 

75. The revenue system initiated by Sher Shah influenced the revenue system of
(a) Alauddin Khalji
(b) Babar
(c) Akbar
(d) Aurangzeb 

76. On the Direct Action Day unprecedented bloodshed took place (as a result of Hindu-Muslim riots) in
(a) Dacca
(b) Calcutta
(c) Delhi
(d) Meerut and Karachi 

77. The Interim Government which took office on September 2, 1946 was headed by
(a) Rajendra Prasad
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Vallabhbhai Patel
(d) C Rajagopalachari 

78. The Servants of India Society was founded in 1905 by
(a) BG Tilak
(b) Lala Lajpat Rai
(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(d) Aurobindo Ghosh 

79 Who did Mahatma Gandhi recognise as his political Guru?
(a) Pheroze Shah Mehta
(b) BG Tilak
(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(d) Dadabhai Naoroji 

80. Which of the following brought Aurobindo Ghose into the fold of the Indian National Movement?
(a) The famines of 1896-97 and 1899-1900
(b) The partition of Bengal
(c) The Surat Split
(d) The Jallianwala Bagh episode 

81. Where did Mahatma Gandhi first apply his technique of Satyagraha?
(a) Dandi
(b) Ahmedabad
(c) Champaran
(d) South Africa 

82. Who is the author of Vande Mataram?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
(d) Sarat Chandra Chatterjee 

83. The Communist Party of India was founded in 1921 by
(a) Hiren Mukherjee
(b) SM Joshi
(c) MN Roy
(d) RC Dutt 

84. In December 1885, when the Indian National Congress was founded, AO Hume acted as its
(a) President
(b) Vice-President
(c) General Secretary
(d) Member of the Working Committee 

85. The President of the Constituent Assembly was
(a) Dr BR Ambedkar
(b) Dr Rajendra Prasad
(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(d) Vallabhbhai Patel

86. The slogan of 'Bande Matram' was first adopted during the ______ Movements?
(a) Non-cooperation
(b) Civil Disobedience
(c) Swadeshi
(d) Quit India 

87. The youngest President of the Indian National Congress, who held that office at the age of 35, was
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Subhash Chandra Bose
(c) Annie Besant
(d) Abul Kalam Azad 

88. In the Battle of Buxar the English army was commanded by
(a) Major Munro
(b) Clive
(c) Rojer Drake
(d) Boughton 

89 By the Act of 1858, India was to be governed
(a) By the Company
(b) In the name of the Crown
(c) By a Board of Directors
(d) In the name of Governor-General of India 

90. The office of the Secretary of State for India was created by the Act of
(a) 1853
(b) 1858
(c) 1861
(d) 1892 

91. The strategy of 'divide and rule' had been actually practised by
(a) Lord Curzon
(b) Lord Wellesley
(c) Lord Minto
(d) Lord Dufferin 

92. What was the name of the Sabha started by Debendranath Tagore?
(a) Arya Samaj
(b) Dharma Sabha
(c) Tattvabodhini Sabha
(d) Tattvabodhini Samaj 

93. The doctrine of lapse had been put to much use by
(a) Lord Dalhousie
(b) Lord Bentick
(c) Lord Curzon
(d) Lord Ripon 

94. Who had paned the Vernacular Press Act into law?
(a) Lord Mayo
(b) Lord Hardinge
(c) Lord Dalhousie
(d) Lord Lytton 

95. Vivian Derozio had been associated with the ______ movement.
(a) Swadeshi
(b) Back to the Vedas
(c) Young Bengal
(d) Young India 

96. After the 1935 elections, the only two provinces out of eleven which had non-Congress ministries were
(a) Bengal and Punjab
(b) Assam and Kerala
(c) Bengal and Assam
(d) Punjab and Kerala 

97. The Non-Cooperation movement had been launched by Gandhi in the year
(a) 1916
(b) 1919
(c) 1920
(d) 1923 

98. The Nehru Report of 1928 with proposals for constitutional reforms had been prepared by
(a) Motilal Nehru
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Kamla Nehru
(d) All of the above 

99. Who had scrapped the partition of Bengal?
(a) Lord Hardinge
(b) Lord Mountbatten
(c) Lord Lytton
(d) Lord Wellesley 

100. Whom would you associate with the Censorship of the Press Act 1794?
(a) Charles Metcalfe
(b) Andrew Frazer
(c) Lord Wellesly
(d) Lord Auckland 

A pleasant excitement
B intense indignation
C utter depression
D great disorder 

102. reckless
A bold
B rash
C courageous
D daring 

A restricts
B contracts
C shrink
D narrows 

104 abrupt
A gradual
B rough
C advanced
D simple 

One word substitution
105 Property inherited form one’s father or ancestors
A alimony
B patrimony
C legacy
C inheritance 

106. careful in performing duties
A punctual
B punctilious
C sincere
D pugnacious 

107. place where bricks are baked
A foundry
B mint
C cemetery
D kiln 

108 using of new words
A coinage
B vocabulary
C neologism
D malapropism 

109. a cock and bull story
A a true story
B a children story
C a story of animals
D a foolish and concocted story 

110. to be good Samaritan
A to be law abiding
B a wise person
C a religious person
D a genuinely charitable person 

111. to cast pearls before a swine
A to offer someone a thing which he cannot appreciate.
B to bring something good before the eyes of a greedy person
C to be complacent
D be good 

112. once in a blue moon
A once in a month
B bi-weekly
C on rare occasion
D every now and then 

113. If a universal language really existed, people like tourists and businessmen would find it easier to ____ with the foreigners
A transact
B communicate
C deal
D exchange 

114. The bill in the parliament was ______ by fifty five votes
A accepted
B voted
C carried
D opposed 

115. The principal and stuff have made ______ efforts to enable the students to attend college on the days of bus strike
A integrated
B deliberate
C concerted
D systematic 

116. We _____ the family members after expressing our grief at the tradegy
A condoled
B satisfied
C mourned
D consoled 

117. The defending champion _______ to victory in just 30 minutes
A led
B rushed
C reached
D cruised

118. Inspite of our best efforts, we failed to _____ any new facts from him
B evoke
C eject
D enlist 

119 A number of advances in medicine would have been _____ sooner if free enquiry had been common
A secured
B persisted
C achieved
D propagated 

120. His fired speeches ______ the people to cry for justice and achieve it by their united efforts
A prompted
B inflamed
C instigated
D inspired 

121. The book is useful ______ to our library
A arrival
B discovery
C asset
D addition 

122. The interior of our concert hall is ______ to the eye
A delicious
B veritable
C visual
D hopeless 

123. No one likes to be forced into _____ situations
A humble
B insulting
C humiliating
D infuriating 

124 He admired precision in everything, but it never happened in his quick _____
A finalisation
B dealing
C action
D decision 

125. He was not willing to accept the ___
A wrong
B blame
C fault
D sorry 

126. Rajib Gandhi Khel Ratna awardees get
A Rs 7,50,000
B Rs 5,50,000
C Rs.2,50,000
D Rs. 3,00,000 

127. Nobel is awarded on
A 1st December
B 2nd December
C 9th December
D 10 December 

128 Who got noble for peace?
A mother Teresa
B Amartya sen
C rjendra pachouri
D a and c 

129. Meri Kom is ambassador of
B Health
C Swachh Bharat Mission
D None 

130. Tushar Mehta is appointed as
B Attorney General
C solicitor general
D advocate general 

131. Who is appointed as chief justice of Calcutta High court?
A NH Patil
B DK Gupta
C Ramesh Ranganathan
D none 

132. Who has been appointed chief economist recently
A mc cain
B alice turbunal
C gita gopinath
D gita Chowdhury 

133. Who has been appointed as CEO of pepsi co
A Indira nuei
B vikram limaye
C raman laguyarta
D none 

134. President of Cameroon is
A paul bia
B nicholas William
C shali work
D none 
135. Which country is runner up in asia cup cricket
A India
B Bangladesh
C Pakistan
D None 

136. Who is champion of recently concluded formula one held in Russia?
A Louis Hamilton
B Valteri bottas
C Sebastian vettel
D none 

137. Ranking of India medal wise in Summer Youth Olympic games 2018 is
A 15th
B 16th
C 17th
D 18th 

138. Johar Cup is associated with
A football
B hockey
C cricket
D tennis 

139. Devis cup is associated with
A tennis
B formula one
C badminton
D none 

140. Rhino day is celebrated in
A Assam
B west Bengal
C Mizoram
D None 

141. Place of India in FIFA Ranking
A 95th
B 97 th
C 98th
D 100th

142. World habitat day is observed on
A 1st October
B 2nd October
C 3rd November
D 4th December 

143. Maharana pratap: The invincible warrior book is written by
A rima hoza
B pranab Mukherjee
C Irfan habib
D none 

144. Which organisation is permitted to open NBFC
A Paytm
B Pay U
C Bandhan bank
D none 

145. Sovereign Gold bond has been launched to
A reduce import of gold
B increase import of gold
C reduce current account deficit
D a and c 

146. India’s first crypto currency ATM was inaugurated in
A Kolkata
B bengalore
C delhi
D Mumbai 

147. India’s place is global hunger index is
A 1st
B 99th
C 103th
D 117th 

148. Current Repo rate is
A 5.15%
B 5.40%
C 5.65%
D 7%

149. Which indian exchange started gold and silver contract?

150. Who is nominated for nobel in literature in 2018?
A paul m romer
B gregri winter
C Arthur ashkin
D none 

151. AB blood group is a universal recipient because this group has no
A no antigen
B no antibody
C red blood corpuscle
D platelets 

152. coronary thrombosis is
A a blood vessel from brain
B blood clotting in vessel
C blood clotting in heart
D blood clotting in brain 

153. Heart beat can be felt in
A vein
B artery
C both
D none 

154. rigor mortis is a condition of muscle when
A animal born
B plants born
C animal dies
D plant dies 

155. creeping type of movement is found in
A amoeba
B Earthworm
C fish
D cockroach 

156. How many fins are there in Fish
A 3
B 5
C 7
D 8 

157. In Eye, image is formed on
A yellow spot
B blind spot
C retina
D none 

158. Which organ maintains balance of human body?
A Eye
B Ear
C Nose
D Hands 

159. Number of taste buds present on our tongue approximately is
A 5000
B 10000
C 100000
D 150000 

160. Sweet taste buds present on the
A front of tongue
B back of tongue
C left of tongue
D right of tongue 

161.Which hormone is effective in controlling excess blood sugar?
A glucagon
b insulin
c thyroxin
d none 

162. lack of secretion of thyroxin causes
A myxoedema
B cretinism
C both
D None 

163. Crossing over takes place during
A leptotene
B zygotene
C pachytene
D diplotene 

164.Deep sea divers respires in mixture of
A oxygen and helium
B oxygen and argon
C oxygen and nitrogen
D oxygen and hydrogen 

165. which noble gas is not present in air
A argon
B helium
C radon
D xenon 

166. which is not an allotropic form of phosphorous
A white phosphorous
B red phosphorous
C black phosphorous
D brown phosphorous 

167. smell of which gas is found near unclear public urinal?
A ammonia
B chlorine
C sulphur di oxide
D carbon monoxide

168. the presence of which gas causes acid rain
A oxides of lead
B oxides of carbon
C oxides of sulphur
D hydrocarbons

169. which acid is used in lead storage battery
A hydrochloric acid
B acetic acid
C nitric acid
D sulphuric acid

170. seaweeds are important source of
A iron
B chlorine
C fluorine
D iodine 

171. The term heavy water refers to
A ice
B deuterium oxide
C redistilled water
D water at 4.5 degree Celsius 

172. coper is refined by
A roasting
B oxidation
C electrotypes
D zone refining 

173. Which of the following has lowest percentage of carbon?
A mild steel
B soft steel
C hard steel
D wrought steel 

174. the ore of uranium are
A malachite
B pitchblende
C cinnabar
D corrundum 

175. Haemoglobin is a coordination compound of
A magnesium
B manganese
C iron
D none 

176.Sum of present age of a father and his son is 60 years. Six years ago, father’s age was five times the age of son. After 6 years son’s age will be
A 12
B 14
C 18
D 20 

177. In an election between two candidates, 75% voters cast their votes, out of which 2% of votes declared invalid. A candidate got 9261 votes which were 75% of total valid votes. Find the total numbers of votes enrolled in the election.
A 12000
B 15000
C 16800
D 17530 

178. The price of a TV set is decreased by 25% as a result of which the sale is increased by 20%. What will be the effect of total revenue of the shop?
A no effect
B 5% decrease
C 5 % increase
D 10% decrease 

179. 100 Oranges are bought at the rate of Rs. 350 and sold at the rate of Rs. 48 per dozen. The percentage of profit or loss is
A 142/7  %gain
B 15% GAIN
C 142/7 % loss
D 15% loss

180. By selling 12 toffees for Re1, a man loses 20%. How many for a rupee should he sell to get a gain of 20%.
A 5
B 8
C 6
D 15 

181. Divide Rs 1162 among A B C in the ratio of 35:28:20 respectively. Share of A is
A 490
B 392
C 280
D none.

182. The price of a TV and a scooter is in the ratio of 7:5. If the scooter costs Rs 8000 more than a TV set, then the price of a TV set is
A 20000
B 24000
C 28000
D 32000 

183. A B C started a shop by investing Rs 27000 , Rs. 72000 and Rs 81000 respectively. At the end of the year the profits were distributed among them. If C’s share is Rs 36000, total profit was
A 80000
B 95000
C 108000
D 116000 
184. If 15 toys cost Rs 234, what do 35 toys cost?
A 432
B 546
C 656
D 696 

185. 2 men and 7 boys can do a piece of work in 14 days. 3 men and 8 boys can do that same work in 11 days. So 8 men and 6 boys can do 3 times the amount of the work in
A 18 days
B 21 days
C 24 days
D 30 days 

186. A does 4/5th of work in 20 days, Then B joined him and finished the work in 3 days. B would take to finish the work in
A 23 days
B 37 days
C 37.5 days
D 40 days 

187. m n o n o p q o p q r s _ _ _ _ _
A mnopq
B oqrst
C pqrst
D qrstu 

188 Paw: Cat :: Hoof :
A Horse
B Lion
C Lamb
D Elephant 

189. Eye :Myopia :: Teeth:
A Pyorrhoea
B cataract
C trachoma
D Eczema 

Which one is different from others?
190. Mustard Sesame, Corn, Olive Onion
A mustard
B sesame
C onion
D corn
E olive 

191.Valley Sea Tower Mountain River
A valley
B sea
C tower
D mountain
E river 

192. If REQUEST is written as S2R52TU, ACID will be written
A 1394
B IC94
D B3J4

193. A and B are brothers, C and D are sisters, A’s son is D’s brother. How B related to C?
A Father
B Brother
C Grandfather
D Uncle 

194. A is B’s sister. C is B’s mother. D is C’s father. E is D’s mother. How A is related to D?
A Grandmother
B Grandfather
C Daughter
D Granddaughter 

195. A watch reads 4:30. If minute hand points East, in what direction will the hour hand point?
A north
B north west
C south east
D north east 

196. Army General Colonel
197. Boy Student Player
198. Ward Bed Nurse
199. Atmosphere air oxygen
200. Woman Maid doctor

Prepared and Distributed by 
Nando sir for 
study with us youtube channel. 
Thank you for participating in this mock test.

I am a civil services teacher. I teach online / offline for UPSC CSE / WBCS


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