Tribal knowledge system: unique and different from mainstream knowledge

 UPSC CSE 2021 Main GS Paper 1

Question - Examine the uniqueness of tribal knowledge system when compared with mainstream knowledge and cultural system. 


Tribal knowledge systems are the networks of knowledge, beliefs, and traditions that preserve, communicate, and contextualize the indigenous relationships with culture and landscape over time. Tribal knowledge systems are unique when compared with mainstream knowledge and cultural systems in the following ways:

 Tribal knowledge systems are based on centuries of observation and experience of nature, especially the behavior of birds and animals. They have a deep understanding of the ecology and biodiversity of their surroundings, and use sustainable and conservative methods of resource utilization. Mainstream knowledge systems, on the other hand, are based on scientific verification and experimentation, and often neglect the environmental impacts of their activities. 

Tribal knowledge systems are stored and transmitted orally, through songs, stories, rituals, and symbols. They rely on memory and observation to preserve their knowledge. Mainstream knowledge systems are stored and transmitted in written forms, such as books, journals, recordings, and digital media. They rely on documentation and analysis to disseminate their knowledge. 

Tribal knowledge systems promote integrated learning for the community, where everyone participates in the acquisition and sharing of knowledge. They also respect the diversity and plurality of knowledge systems, and do not impose their views on others. Mainstream knowledge systems tend to create hierarchies and divisions among learners, where some are privileged over others. They also tend to homogenize and standardize knowledge systems, and often disregard or marginalize alternative perspectives. 

Tribal knowledge systems are non-exclusionary and marked by equity, where everyone has access to and benefits from the knowledge. They also have a strong sense of ethics and values, which guide their interactions with nature and other beings. Mainstream knowledge systems are often exclusionary and marked by inequality, where some have more access to and benefits from the knowledge than others. They also have a weak sense of ethics and values, which often lead to exploitation and domination of nature and other beings.

Therefore, tribal knowledge systems are distinct from mainstream knowledge and cultural systems in many aspects, and have much to offer to the world in terms of wisdom, sustainability, diversity, and harmony.


I am a civil services teacher. I teach online / offline for UPSC CSE / WBCS

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